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tips for youngbloods in golden demon

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make sure to start you mini AGES before GD is even in site... that last thing you wanna do is rush it the night before... 2 things will happen... you'll either ruin it and have to rush again to cover it or sometimes it can show that you've rushed a layer/ blend .... a friend of mine who made a giant plague bearer painted it beautifully (of as good as one can get) but he did a rush on his dry brushing and it lost him his chance to get a trophy


make sure to cover as mush of the mini as possible, if you have to paint the mini in pieces first then glue it together, I do this for commission pieces and i find it very helpful at times but if you need to see how it looks before gluing use bits of bluetac.


The bases is important ... try to make the base stand out without distracting from the model

im thinking of entering a techmarine with a thunderfire cannon is this allowed or do i have to enter another category if so which one.

as said on gw.com


"The Young Bloods 2009


The Young Bloods painting competition is open to any competitors aged 14 years or under. Your entry should consist of any single human-sized Citadel miniature either Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, Mordheim, Necromunda, Blood Bowl or The Lord of The Rings, mounted on an appropriately sized gaming base.


Models must be single foot figures - no mounted models or groups. This category includes Terminators but other models supplied with 40mm and larger bases should be entered in another category. The judges will be looking for well-painted and well-presented models. Paint schemes should demonstrate originality, imagination and consistency with the spirit of the game worlds."

either snikrot, a harlequin or a khornate chaos lord.


im going to be blending the skin on snikrot so it has a brown-green tinge. and hopefully making his night-vision goggles look like glass.


for the harlequin im going to be doing some really ambitious freehand, on a city base to contrast the colours and add some character.


and lastly for the chaos lord, a snow base with lots of blood with a blended red shield and armour.


then, i'll pick the best one and enter it. maybe even let my mate enter the other good one if he wants for giggles.



Harlequins are always popular among painters as they have great poses and give a good oppurtunity for freehand work.


what methods of blending do you guys use as i have been testing alot recently with feathering and blending with glazes?

i dont yet know what ill be entering but i will see you guys there if your at GD uk


any of you guys placed in the top 3?

this is my first entry - never thought my painting was good enough.


and what is glaze blending


i feather but i dont really have it going great.


probably going to by a box of termi's at the weekend


what do you reckon assault or regular

wheres the pic?


Well there is not a name for it but i call it glaze blending. It is a method when you blend the colours with very watered down paint (glazes)

It can take up to about 100 or so coats to get a smooth blend but it looks very smooth! ive not relly mastered it yet but i have been practicing.


for gaming terms i would go for assault termies. also a great potential for freehand on the storm shields

I might try and get some pics up of my feeble attempts at blending :sick:



i think there might be some tuts on cmon for feathering/wet blending I HATE wet blending!!

go to coolminiornot.com their are far more golden demon winners over their and the focus of the site is on miniature paiting so you will get far better advice than most other places.


personal tip, dont use a stock model have something that stands out, but if your conversion/sculpting skills are limited, use a plastic kit and give it character with an intresting pose combined with a base that sells a story.

e.g. a trooper in overly dirty armour trecking through a swamp.

Doing this will make it stand out from the crowd but if you conversion is poor quality and messy you may as well cut your self out before entering


and im entering a largeish tau crisis suit diorama so keep your eyes open at the show:P

if i were you guys i wouldnt try and do some really ambitious techniques. i would just try to apply lots of slightly lighter thin coats to provide highlights. thats what im doing and the highlighting that darren latham used on his ork warboss in WD351 is exactly what im going to be doing on snikrot. its also the technique im talking about. good luck to you guys and lets see some pics them chris if you wouldnt mind?



trying to get some decent pics. Need to set up a lighting box or something. Never taken model pics before.

i am going to do a thread in wip on my new chapter. so keep an eye out. probably in the next week or so.


i have some fairly decent blending on some eldar jetbikes but cant post them here.


as of yet i still dont really know what to enter but am thinking down the line of marines or maybe chaos.

i am probably going to go for a battered, mucky look!


was the ork that converted warboss? if so that would look amazing. what theme are you going for?




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