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Combat Tactics

Inquisitor Rex

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Just curious how many of you have used Combat Tactics successfully- i.e. where the result was just great for the situation- or for the mathhammer marines- where should this skill work best on the gaming table.


Just trying to get a heads up on the situation I should look for!

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This has happened to me: A squad of four marines, about four inches away. I shot my pistols, and killed one of them. They used combat tactics to fail the moral test and fell back ten inches, so that I couldn't assault and finish them off.
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Parking a Rhino behind your Marines as they get assaulted. When they have to Combat Tactics out of the combat, they can all run within 1" of the tank, but the pursuers have to stay outside 1", which increases the distance they have to move considerably, allowing you to regroup outside 6" easier. And if that fails you can Tank Shock the pursuers and reposition the Rhino to block next turn.


Doing the same but with a Heavy Flamer Razorback behind them. If the enemy try to follow to prevent you from regrouping, you can roast them.


Doing that with a Devastator Squad. If you follow, you get roasted. If you don't follow, you get roasted and shot at.

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