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Imperial Fist Artwork


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Hello everyone. I have been a lurker here for ages, so I decided it is about time I made some posts.


Here is some Imperial Fist Artwork, my chapter of choice. I also have a small army of them painted.



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Thank you everyone for your kind words :(


I did this and another piece (although the other one is fantasy so I didn't post it here) as submission pieces for the Black Library.


odinswolf: Are you asking as a favour or as a job? I am open to commissions :)


WarInHeaven: Thank you. Yes, the marines in the background are a bit wonky! They are there mainly as filler. I originally hand painted the piece and then decided that it needed to be improved so I fixed it in photoshop. I use a wacom tablet too.

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Hey Great work there. I have a few negative/criticism comments though. His pose looks to me as if he is about to fall over. I see what you are going for but between the angle of his head and the twist of his torso, this pose just dosent seem natural. Also It looks like his head is twisted about 50-55 degrees off center but his pistol seems only to be about 40-45 dregrees. So to me he is looking past the point of the thing he is wanting to shoot at. Personaly I try damm hard to keep my target in my sights, makes it a lot easyer to shoot it.


Also the background is great, plenty of action to place the Theme in, but not so overpowering to keep your attention drawn away from the Main Character.


Some nit picky stuff, from the fluff I have read about it(only really mentioned in the Space Wolf books AFAIK) Marine helents dont have any power untill connected to the rest of the suit. So his helment on the ground shouldnt have glowy eyes. I know this is a dumb point, with all the variations of helmets who is to say how things work. But in my opinion they helmet eyes should be dark.


Also why is his helmet on the ground? There is no obvious dammage so he didnt tear it off so he can see after a chain axe cut it apart or a bolt shot blasted it. It looks more like he carefully placed it on the ground, but why would he do that? If he took it off to show his troops that he felt so confitent in there battle, wouldnt he have slung the helm from his belt and not walked around the battle feild holding it untill he came across and enemy then placed it at his feet for the duration of the fight?


Like I said thats just nit picky stuff.

Kudos to the talent (I sure as hell couldnt make this).



edited some spelling..

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Hey Nicorex, thanks for your comments. Don't worry about pointing out negative things, I have heard much worse :P


The reason for the helmet on the ground is because I just thought it looked interesting having one on each side of the picture, and the lights in the eyes to make it look cool. I hadn't read anything about the power only working when the helmet is attached, besides, the eyes don't glow in a lot of the information about power armour anyway! lol

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