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Paladins of Laconia


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Well, here they are: the Imperial Paladins. I use basic colours, Mythril Silver with Badab Black wash, and Shining Gold with Devlan Mud wash.


I should point out that I've only been in the hobby a number of weeks, and I know that the painting is very amateur. I just wanted to showcase what I've already done.


Colour scheme:






Took forever to get the Powerfist right on this. I wanted a metallic blue colour, and I didn't have any Asurmen Blue, so I had to improvise by mixing blue and silver together. I think it turned out okay, though :)


Finally, Dreadnought:


I didn't have any primer (the last time my mum let me own spray paint, a few walls near our house got decked out in red, so I'm not allowed any spray paints any more :P), so I had to basecoat the whole model with Chaos Black the old-fashioned way, and I realised that to do it in silver again would take too much time. In future, I need a spray gun. the airbrush one. I spent a bit of time making its exposed metalwork seem a bit rusty, this was easy, all I had to do was use a Devlan Mud wash over Mythril Silver.


So, what do you guys think? I plan to do the Captain next, a ML marine, and finish off the Terminator squad. And I've already planned to change the eye colour to a bright green.





Thread moved :)


EDIT: Chapter Name Changed. Whenever you see "Imperial Paladins" change it to "Paladins of Laconia".

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With your Terminator, to get a nice metallic blue (without trying to mix a blue paint and a silver paint together) would be to actually lay down a base coat of silver (boltgun or mithril, depending on what silver you are using) and actually use a blue ink/wash over it. What will happen is that the area will gain a "stained" blue color, but still have a metallic sheen to it.


Give it a go :)



There are some threads in the PC&A that cover this type of technique in real good detail as well.

Coincidence i say! i just thought up that exact style paint job for my chrome hounds company and have painted a terminator.


Nice one. My advice would be to use a thinner coat of black (I water some down in a palett, only a tinny bit of water though) for the basecoat and then a nice even mithril silver coat over the top (unless you are going for a brushed metal effect). Anyhow, they look better than my first mini's :P so good job on them!


If you look around the tutorial section and also on the gw website im sure you can find lots of tips to help with modeling/painting etc, so welcome to the hobby and good luck!

The Imperial Paladins are actually a chapter listed and shown in "How to paint Space Marines". Their armour is dark blue, and their chapter badge is a yellow templar cross with a skull in the middle. That doesn't mean you have to change the name or scheme, I just thought you should know.


I am not a huge fan of metallics as main colours for marines since I tried that out on mine, but if you like it, don't let that stop you.

Well, got the three other minis done. I also did a Terminator, but you've already seen that before.


Missile Launcher Marine:



Terminator Sergeant:


All sergeants in the Imperial Paladins get an awesome metallic blue colour, as if to say "I'm better than you minions". Assault Marines wil also get the same colour treatment.




Here is the Captain of my forces so far, wielding his specialised powersword, Sol Rising. And if you couldn't se it well enough before, then here you go.



Oh yeah, I'm also writing a fluff novella about the origins os the Paladins, their conflict with the Scarlet Knights (another DIY Chapter) and the reclaiming of their homeworld from the Eldar. Would the story go in the topic here, or in another section of the site?

  • 2 months later...

All right, huge updates here.


The Imperial Paladins shall henceforth be known as the Paladins of Laconia. I've stopped washing the silver, it makes it brighter and makes it pop out a bit more.


The Captain has been re-painted, in the scheme of all Sergeant or Command models (metallic blue). I found a set of paintbrushes I had been given for Christmas one year and used a large brush to re-paint my Dread. My AoBR Sergeant has been upgraded to wield a poweraxe and a plasma pistol.


I obtained a Battleforce and have a Tac Squad fully assembled (plasma gunner and meltagunner). The eye colour has been changed to plain black as it gives a more medieval feel that I quite like. The Assault Squad Sergeant has been finished, as have the rest of my Termies (bar a few weapons). I have my Rhino and Assault Squad still to paint, and my Scouts still to assemble. (Most embarrasing thing in the world, one of my Assault Marines wouldn't glue onto his base, so I had to Blu-Tac him on. I'll just disguise it as a rock XD).

  • 5 weeks later...

I've been thinking that Warhammer 40K is just really too damn serious sometimes. There's a huge scope for parody in this universe, and now the Paladins are a sort of half-comedic Chapter. I still take it seriously, just not as seriously as I probably should. It's a hobby which encourages creativity, and comedy is a type of creativity.


As for other fluff, I have ended up sort-of "twinning" my Chapter with my friend's Knights of Cydonia Chapter. This has led to some interesting fluff.


Our Chapters' homeworlds are based far outside Imperial space, towards such empires as the Tau empire and the Tyranid hive fleets. The Chapters consider themselves beyond the reach of Imperial Law, and at one point, the Paladins were expunged (before being allowed back in by defending a Hive City on Aeon from Tyranids). The Chapters come from the Cyclonian Cluster, named so because of its two main stars, Laconia and Cydonia.


One of the planets inside the Laconia system is called Allegro. It is a forgeworld which has created a number of artificial machine sentients for the Paladins, because the Paladins are mostly beyond Imperial boundaries and they will not ever really be found out.


The Paladins also do not conform to having one single Chapter Master, instead taking the ancient concept of the Mournival and applying it to their Chapter. It's called the Heirarchy, and it consists of 4 Chapter Masters, one Reclusiarch and one Epistolary.


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