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Crimson Knights: WIP Army

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Hey everyone.


I d firstly like to thank everyone and anyone for reading this WIP. Its the first I ve ever attempted but hopefully it will be enjoyable to follow. I will be post pictures and updates every 1-2 days depending on how much progress I am able to make.




I m a 19 year old student and have just recently come back to Warhammer 40K after playing a little around the ages of 10-13. I was never a serious collector as it was quite simply something I couldnt afford. I ve just finished my first year of uni and have the summer holidays lined up. Without going into details I ve had a lot going on with life recently and wanted something to take my mind off things and occupy me during the coming months to keep me busy doing something constructive. With that in mind I came up with the idea of producing a new 40k army.


Originally my aim was to collect a Black Templar army but although I love the rules and models, I m not a fan of the colour scheme and had some issues with some aspects of it. At this point I ll mention that I am not an experienced painter and that may aim is to make some table top worthy models. They hopefully wont look awful and will look ok but please please dont expect anything too exciting. Respect to many of the painters on these forums, there are some very impressive models around which have inspired me.


The colour scheme I ve come up with is mechrite red and dheneb stone with a badab black wash. ( Thanks and apologies to Katarn who gave me the idea for this colour scheme. His looked very good and simple to do, so I decided I would work with a variation on that theme ) I have so far completed a few test models and am happy enough with the result to carry on with the rest of the army which I have ready and waiting. ** I will insert test model pictures soon**


The army itself:


At the moment I haven't come up with a diffinitive list but I will try and split it into the basic units which I have ready and waiting for me:


I have changed the configuration of the list so that it simply shows which units I have, rather than any sort of army list.






Emperor's Champion

Command Squad w/ Company champion, apothecary, plasma gun, combi-melta, standard




Dreadnought w/ assault cannon + close combat weapon

Dreadnought w/ multi melta + close combat weapon

Dreadnought w/ lascannon + missile launcher

Forgeworld Venerable Dreadnought w/ multi melta + close combat weapon

Assault Terminators (#5) w/ thunder hammers + storm shields, lightning claws

Grey Knight Terminators (#5) w/ incinerator




16 Marines w/ close combat weapons + bolt pistol

2 Sergeants w/ power fist + bolt pistol

25 Marines w/ bolt guns

2 Marines w/ plasma guns

4 Marines w/ heavy weapons -- missile launcher, lascannon, plasma gun, heavy bolter

10 Scouts w/ bolt pistol + close combat weapon

5 Scouts w/ shotguns


Fast attack:


10 Assault Marines

5 Vanguard Veterans


Heavy Support:


Land Raider Crusader

Land Raider Crusader

Predator Annihilator







Models to paint and make:


7 Vehicles

10 Terminators

87 Marines (including scouts)


This is a list of units which I have currently acquired. I use the army ( at the moment ) as a Black Templar force and have 1.5k and 2k lists using the units I have above. I am slowly expanding with more marines, fast attack, scouts and various other models so that I can field a Codex force as well.


I would also like to say that any little suggestions for possible models to add will be greatly appreciated.


I have no set time scale for how I am going to try and complete this list. Its simply a matter of doing as much as I can with whatever time I have available to me. Currently I am aiming to complete a small squad of 5 marines and my forgeworld dreadnought. I have made a small amount of progress today and this evening and will aim to put some photos tomorrow afternoon.


I hope you ve enjoyed reading so far.


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Thanks to everyone who has had a look at this topic so far. I can happily now add a little more substance to the topic with a few pictures of models which I ve painted/started painting so far:



http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/5037/023gmq.jpg http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/023gmq.jpg/1/w2048.png


Three Marines ( front view )

http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/2640/024kbb.jpg http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/024kbb.jpg/1/w2048.png

Three Marines ( rear view )

http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/2761/026vnc.jpg http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/026vnc.jpg/1/w2048.png


Venerable Dreadnought

http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/1728/025txt.jpg http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/025txt.jpg/1/w2048.png


As you can see the dreadnought is in the very early stages of being painted and this is just a little taster of what its going to look like when finished.


The three marines there are my test models and I am happy with the way they look and will continue to paint all my models with the same scheme. I have noticed a few mistakes with the models (mold lines on arm and bolter, backpack of one model, and a few other things as well) which I will correct.


Please let me know what you think of these models so far.



nice, very clean and defined colours.

I love that dreadnought model, and if it continues how its been started you wil really do it justice.

Also a fan of the differing armour colour between the space marines, kinda like individual heraldry, like the original temlars had??

Keep it up, you dont see many red templars


Yeh, the different colours of the armour are supposed to show exactly that. They all look like they are from the same army but with their own individuality as well. I thought it was just that little more interesting to look at and it has a certain fun fluffy factor to it.

You have a good start down for your base colors.

Are you going to be building them up over the wash or is this the "final" style for the red and white?

Good to see you caught the flash lines being there. That little extra effort to clear that stuff off always helps in the long run.

From a fluff standpoint you may want to consider an alternate name as the official Red Templars Chapter looks somewhat different:


I m intending for that to be the final style which I will go for. I think it looks pretty good in the flesh ( as good as I think I could reasonable expect I would be able to achieve ) so I m happy with it as is.


I certainly agree from the fluff point of view and only decided to keep the name Red Templar in the mean time while I try to come up with some more original and something that I personally like. I m sure it will end up being something along the line of The Templars of..... or ..... Crusaders. I think I d like to have the name Crusaders in there so I ll work something out in relation to that.

Right so just a little update on what I ve been achieving in the last couple of days. I m afraid to say that in all honesty I haven't managed a huge amount in the way of painting other than starting a few more marines and doing some further work on my dreadnought ( which is slowly coming together now ) Part of the reason for the lack of painting is that I bought myself a box of assault terminators and a command squad. I have now made all of the models from these two boxes which have given me:


5 Assault Terminators: 3 w/ lightning claws, 2 w/ thunder hammers and storm shields

Command Squad (#6) w/ standard barer, apothecary, combi-melta, plasma gun, Company Champion and a new Captain model.


Pictures of all these are shown below:


Apothecary and Standard Barer:

http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/6670/055qyo.jpg http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/055qyo.jpg/1/w2048.png


Combi-melta and Company Champion:

http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/3395/056ccy.jpg http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/056ccy.jpg/1/w2048.png


Captain w/ power sword and plasma pistol:

http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/900/057bvo.jpg http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/057bvo.jpg/1/w2048.png

Not sure about his current head/helmet. What do other people think? I may alter it.


Thunder Hammers:


http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/2163/058svo.jpg http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/058svo.jpg/1/w2048.png


Terminator Sergeant w/ lightning claws:

http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/9704/059yds.jpg http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/059yds.jpg/1/w2048.png


Terminators w/ Lighnting claws

http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/4765/060t.jpg http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/060t.jpg/1/w2048.png


WIP Marines:

http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/9917/061bct.jpg http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/061bct.jpg/1/w2048.png

Gives the idea for a few more armour colour schemes here. The black sections still need to be painted dheneb stone.


More progress with the Venerable:

http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/4808/062xcr.jpg http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/062xcr.jpg/1/w2048.png

This one is taking forever to do. I have also painted the top, rear and legs in these two colours but still need to do the metal sections, detail and any other corrections.


I better quickly mention that the new models still need a bit of touching up in various areas before they are ready for painting.


Hopefully in the next few days I ll manage to get around to painting up some more models so I can show something a little bit more interesting.

Will also put up a picture of my entire force and update its components in the initial post.

@ Captain of The Inceptors: Thanks in regards to the colour scheme. I think its quite attractive, and not too difficult to paint. The chapter symbol is currently just the cross used by the Black Templar. Most of the models were made using the upgrade sprue and have the symbols on shoulder pads or chest pieces. I did consider a name similar to Crimson Templar but felt it was a bit too obvious, although I m very tempted by the Crimson Knights name. Will need to think about that but may use it.


@ The Shadows: I love the dread model. By far and away the favourite model I currently own. The dheneb stone will have a wash applied to it. The central area around the head is the only bit which is complete, otherwise it sill needs touching up and then washing before detailing it. I will hopefully finish it soon and post some pictures of it.


This is only a small picture update to show a few pictures of the army in its entirity ( so far ) I am still waiting on about another 20 boltgun marines to bolster the force as well as some heavy weapons models.


http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/1723/010nkn.jpg http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/010nkn.jpg/1/w2048.png


http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/9738/011ahu.jpg http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/011ahu.jpg/1/w2048.png


http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/4548/012dfh.jpg http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/012dfh.jpg/1/w2048.png

Thanks to everyone who replied. I haven't left anything in a few days as I ve been fairly busy so sorry about that.


At the moment I m aiming to get a 750 points army finished in time to play a game with a friend this coming Tuesday. This has ended up being a lot more of a labour intensive/ time consuming task than I had originally forseen but progress has been made and I think that I m around half way there at this stage. Hopefully with a good amount of work tonight and tomorrow I should be about there ( excluding some detailing and weathering )


Anyway I have a few pictures here of models I ve been working on recently.

As always C&C is greatly appreciated.


Rhino ( side view )

http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/6475/004cro.jpg http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/004cro.jpg/1/w2048.png


Rhino ( front view )

http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/1478/005mmu.jpg http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/005mmu.jpg/1/w2048.png


Vanguard Veteran and Company Champion

http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/3766/003pjl.jpg http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/003pjl.jpg/1/w2048.png


I m using the vanguard veteran as a power sword assault marine and the company champion as a counts as Emperor's Champion for my up coming game. As you can see much of the detailing is not completed and the eyes have not yet been finished either.


Crusader Squad with Rhino

http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/3589/006fwo.jpg http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/006fwo.jpg/1/w2048.png


Assault Marines #1

http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/2639/007kcn.jpg http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/007kcn.jpg/1/w2048.png


Assault Marines #2

http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/3839/008rfo.jpg http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/008rfo.jpg/1/w2048.png


Assault Marines #3

http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/6735/009rxv.jpg http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/009rxv.jpg/1/w2048.png

Mold line has been removed now ^^


Please let me know what you think so. Hopefully I ll have some more models up later in the week.

I will also be posting a battle report for the upcoming fight which will include pictures.


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