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Razorback with Tl-heavy flamers


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That being said, I'm not sure you're allowed to fire a flamer weapon over your own Vindicator. I believe there's a line in the BRB that states you cannot place a template weapon over your own units voluntarily.


Pg 29

"instead of rolling to hit, simply place the template so that the narrow end is touching the base of the model firing it...."


I am fairly certain, (or at least it was explained to my satisfaction in another thread) that this means when placing the flamer template you put the small end on your hull, not your turret. Note that you still have to check line of site before you can place a template (which stops you from shooting units through solid walls) so you wont be able to make the right sponson of a redeemer shoot an enemy on the left, but it does prevent the "does a vehicles flamer hit itself" issue, as well as giving you a little extra range.

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Frosty: this is a good idea and all but doesn't it also have stated in the main warhammer 40K rulebook that when firing a weapon from a vehicle you must measure or place the templete from the barrel of the weapon? but for vehicles only on that.


as for the other comments on outflanking Razorback. yes you can use Khan to outflank the vehicle and as i said before sadly i wouldn't get the special rule for being a true salamanders theme as i have to go with a slightly more white scars theme in sallies colors. but if I can still put Vulken in the vehicle and have him join the sternguard. so they outflank pop out and nuke something with fire!

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...but doesn't it also have stated in the main warhammer 40K rulebook that when firing a weapon from a vehicle you must measure or place the templete from the barrel of the weapon?

For distance and line of sight - yes. But nothing is mentioned concerning templates.

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...but doesn't it also have stated in the main warhammer 40K rulebook that when firing a weapon from a vehicle you must measure or place the templete from the barrel of the weapon?

For distance and line of sight - yes. But nothing is mentioned concerning templates.


This one still bugs me.


I don't own any IG vehicles, but does anyone else know if the hull-mounted heavy flamers on a Chimera chassis extend past the hull, or does butting the small end up against the nozzle cover part of the hull itself with the template?

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