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combined space marine crusade army


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ladies and gentlemen, i propose to you the thought of a combined space marine fighting force. the reason being because i bore so quickly of one same colour scheme i am thinking of painting different squads for different chapters.


what i have in mind so far is:


tactical marines (ultramarines)

devastators (space wolf long fangs)

assault squad (blood angels)

bike squad (dark angels)

terminators (salamanders)


has anybody got any other ideas, i was thinking of having at most 10 different chapters just to vary my colour schemes and have more practice with different colours. also, would i be permitted to use different rules for squads e.g. long fangs splitting their fire at two different targets providing i pay the points?


many thanks, and feel free to pm me for whatever reason you may have. i am a good painter for my age (14) and am probably the best *kid* painter in my GW. however, im still looking for as much tuition as possible because my goal is to become world class.

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I had this idea when beginning my Marines recently, but thought I would struggle to make it look like a coherent army.


Your opponents will probably resist the idea of you "Cherry picking" units from different Codicies, Blood Angel Assault marines for troop choices, Long Fangs as your dev squad with split fire, etc etc. I'd just use them as vanilla marines and hope for the best.

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has anybody got any other ideas, i was thinking of having at most 10 different chapters just to vary my colour schemes and have more practice with different colours. also, would i be permitted to use different rules for squads e.g. long fangs splitting their fire at two different targets providing i pay the points?

Maybe in Apocalypse, certainly not in a regular game.

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I am always tempted to do that as well. I am painting my DIY chapter, but I would love to paint a unit of Blood Angels, or a few Salamanders, or maybe some Crimson Fists, heck, even many of the chapters that only exist as a name and a colour scheme, for example from 'How to paint Space Marines' appeal to me.


But I do not do it. Because I know that no matter how elaborately I do the bases, the army as a whole will look like a rag-tag band of ork pirates. There just will not be a unifying theme or colour, and that will make it look ugly as a whole, I think. Maybe I am wrong, though. If you try it and it works, however, I might be tempted to do it, too.


And I would not allow you to use squads from different codices if you were to play against me. Codices are balanced internally, thus combining squads from several codices would unbalance the system. Stick to using the Codex Space Marines. Single squads from non-codex-chapters can just as well be represented using those rules. I'd even frown upon it in an Apocalypse game.

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I'm painting a crusade army myself, but I chose chapters with no special rules precisely to avoid confusion or accusations of "cheesyness". I use Codex: Space Marines only ruleswise.


That being said, I too think same bases alone would not do the trick for making them look as a cohesive army.


I use a crusade symbol on a shoulderpad and/or kneepad to tie them in.


In my case it is an Iron Halo over a split field of red and checkers, but you can make it as simple or complex as you like.


Just my two cents, but my reasons were exactly the same as yours, just the thought of painting close to 50 marines with the same scheme gave me the shivers, so I thought maybe what worked for me could work for you.

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use Imperial Fists led by Lysander for Assault Termi's


Maybe use Iron hands or those guys with the huge Battle forge (can't remember their name) for tanks and their crews and such.


I doubt I'd let you combine all the greatest parts of space marine armies and throw them together, in Apoc that would be friggin great though.


I think you could definitely make a crusading army look cohesive. They would be cohesive in the fact that their space marines, and that they serve the Emperor, and their kickin your ass in his name! I think seeing a sea of different colored space marines all wanting my head on a pike, would be more scary than ugly.


Do what you do man, but keep it Codex: SM. For now :devil:

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It's a neat idea. As others have said stick to one codex for rules. Use the Long Fangs as devastators, but use C:SM rules, and Blood Angels for Assault Marines using C:SM rules etc. & no one should have any troubles. I think if you were to use say their right shoulder pad and left knee to come up with some sort of crusade badge along with the same base, it would tie them all in together.


Crimson Fists - Sternguard

Imperial Fists - Tactical Squad

White Scars - 2nd Bike Squad


Can you give us a basic list that you're going to build? What chapter is your commander from? are there vehicles? how many of each squad type, what armament etc? I think that information would help to dictate which chapter to paint them as too.


I had the idea of doing a "Sons of Dorn" Crusade army w/Imperial Fists, Crimson Fists & Black Templars - I still might do it, it's just on a back burner.

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I'd put a number of lesser-known chapters in there rather than just the 'famous' ones. Gives it a bit of variety. The Imperium does have about 1000 chapters to choose from when assembling a crusade force after all. Also would be fun to paint the unusual colour schemes.
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hey all, thanks for the warm replies, i like the idea of a crusade badge etc. i'll get round to thinking of something.


my army list is as follows:


space marine captain

relic blade


space marine bike

storm shield


space marine chaplain

jump pack


10x assault squad

power weapon


10 tactical marines

power weapon

plasma gun

multi melta

rhino apc


10 tactical marines

power weapon

plasma gun

multi melta

rhino apc


10 tactical marines

power weapon


heavy bolter

rhino apc



heavy bolter sponsons


im working on the rest.



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Why not mix a few different chapters into the same squads. The Black Templars and Crimson Fists did it in the Declates Crusade. As for regarding your mixing of several First Founding chapters into one big crusade. Could work although be a bit hard to achieve. Maybe go with something like all of the Ultramarines and their successor chapters or the Imperial Fists or Dark Angels. Be easier to create imagery that connects the varying chapters as they would all be related. But whatever you do make sure you put some pictures of your guys up somewhere for us to see.



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i would not mix chapters in squads as the above suggested


remember on the trensfer sheets there are lots of campain badges if you do not want to paint something although by the sound of it you do :)


i am all for this crusade idea although definatly one codex only





PS - this ought really to be in the WIP section

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