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Need some vehicle advice


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Hey, all. I've been working on an all-biker army, along with a few Land Speeders to go with it. However, I can't decide how exactly I want to paint one. I've only painted one before, many years ago, and it was my first vehicle, so I hadn't really figured out how to properly balance the blue and green in my color scheme. More recent efforts with a Rhino and Land Raider Prometheus have proven much more successful, but I'm not quite sure how to change it on the Land Speeders I'm gonna work on.

Here's the original Land Speeder (and yes I realize the tail fin is on backwards, that was in the days of 3rd Edition when assembly guides didn't exist):


And the Rhino and Land Raider:




Having green as the predominant color seems to look a lot better (not to mention it makes it easier for me to follow my rule of only painting symbols/markings over green), so I'm wondering if a simple inversion of the blue and green segments on the Land Speeder would work. What do you guys think?

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Alrighty then! I've got a tournament with them this Saturday, with the standard "minimum three colors" rule, so I'll have something at least partially painted by the end of the week, to give me/us an idea of how the colors work. Stay tuned for pictures! ;)


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