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How does a CSM army kill Redeemers?


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Seriously, those are the most durable point sinks I have ever come across. Its various weapons slaughtered about 750 points of my army (especially the flamestorm cannons. Power armoured marines should not die in those numbers!) while its armour withstood constant fire from my Predator's sponson lascannons. Oy vey. Do you other Chaos Marine players have any idea how best to kill this behemoth?
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Seriously, those are the most durable point sinks I have ever come across. Its various weapons slaughtered about 750 points of my army (especially the flamestorm cannons. Power armoured marines should not die in those numbers!) while its armour withstood constant fire from my Predator's sponson lascannons. Oy vey. Do you other Chaos Marine players have any idea how best to kill this behemoth?


In no particular order

1) Obliterator spam

2) Daemon Princes (Warptime or Mark of Khorne)

3) Raptors with Meltaguns

4) Termi-cide squads (Terminators w/ Combi-Melta)

5) Skull Champion with Power Fist (S9 on the charge)

6) Plague Marines with Meltaguns (you can take your FnP save against the super flamer)


Overall the key here is Melta, which seems scary because that means you have to get close to its weapons, but remember if they move 6" they can only fire 2 of their weapons and 1 if they move 12", assuming PotMS, so you're best bet is to hide outside their effective range until you can move in, in force, and knock it out.


The other idea is to try and immobilize it early on, using fast moving Melta or LasCannons. Terminators, Obliterators and Plague Marines are all fairly durable against it, so don't be afraid to engage.

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That's an easy one, and cheap, too.


Four Chosen with meltaguns and an Aspiring Champion with a fifth meltagun, and put them in a Rhino. That's 185pts (210pts if everyone has melta bombes). If they can't double tap the Redeemer while doing a drive by, they can disembark, bake and or slap on some melta charges as needed.


This unit as an almost must as a close range back-up to Oblit spam.



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Seriously, those are the most durable point sinks I have ever come across. Its various weapons slaughtered about 750 points of my army.


Sorry this sentence doesn't make sense to me. (my smart ass comment)


My favorite thing about land raiders is that most of the time you need to be in 6"inches to kill them. In essences the only way to really kill them for sure is to assault the vehicles that is carrying the massive amount of untouched assault troops. IMO, try to isolate and deny the vehicle, assume the LR is like a squad of tricked out nob bikers. BUT its only one vehicle and giving up guaranteed kills for another small chance at a LR kill is a bad idea.




str x vrs x+5=*Lascannon Vrs LR*

(33% become wounds)


1glance=66.6% stun/16.6imobilized/16.6wep destroyed

1pen=33%stuned/16wep destroyed/16imobilized/33destoryed


Meltas are the best thing to go after LR, key point here is don't unload Missile launchers on LR's if you a viable target some where else.

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The vindicator is the answer to almost any tactics question in the 40k universe. :P S10 + roll two dice for armor pen and take the best? Yeah!


Thats not far from being the truth, especially for Loyalists who don't have access to Obliterators.

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I'd think that Obliterators are the single best answer for the Redeemer, or indeed any Land Raider variant. They can start on the table and fire away with lascannons until the Raider gets close, then move in with either multi-meltas or twin-linked meltaguns, depending on how close they are to the transport. It's usually good to have some horribly nasty assault unit nearby too so you can charge any occupants before they get the jump on you.
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Pretty much echo everything Minigun 762 said. It's definitely a good idea to use Plague Marine MG's to deal with the Redeemer. Oblit spam is of course nasty too, from any range to boot, and Deep Striking can even be used to get the drop. The Redeemer is really not that nasty to deal with as long as you keep it at arm's length and engage it with the units that can afford to soak its Templates o' Doom. Also, being aware of the reach of the Template after a move (accounting for Power of the Machine Spirit) can help to blockade the chunky LRR from getting off any nasty angle shots against your vulnerable 3+ save dudes, especially if you take advantage of any tight terrain to park your Rhinos for mobile walls. I find a pair of Vindi's almost always deter LR heavy C:SM players from making any bold moves with the LRR.
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