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Orbital Bombardment


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its a difficult argument really, it all comes down to personal preference.

Eyescrossed is correct in some of his assessment, however HG come as standard with power weapons and can have a banner for +1A.

Overall cost makes the HG cheaper, especially after the command squad gets upgraded, also the command squad are limited to 5 men, whereas the HG can have between 4-10.


Horses for courses, but any cliams that one is better then the other should be treated as personal preference and opinions.



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Thing is you don't really need all that many honour guard if you are attaching a special character to them. Vulkan plus his standard honour guard are a nice sized little force to send at the enemy out of a land raider for example. Seeing as they all have power weapons as standard they will be doing a lot of damage for their numbers and more importantly you ideally don't want to win combat on your charge because then your out in the open and are going to get gunned down. Honestly, I'm a fan of both in the right situations. For example a lot of the time I run a command squad on bikes with 4x plasma - the feel no pain bit really helps out with those pesky overheat rolls :rolleyes: In fact its the only time I take plasma guns
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Vulkan plus his standard honour guard are a nice sized little force to send at the enemy out of a land raider for example.

You can't give Vulkan an Honour Guard...


Well, you can if you take Vulkan AND a chapter master in the same army :P

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Vulkan plus his standard honour guard are a nice sized little force to send at the enemy out of a land raider for example.

You can't give Vulkan an Honour Guard...


Well, you can if you take Vulkan AND a chapter master in the same army :P

Duh :mellow:

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