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Effective combat squading?


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Ok, so the past few games I have played, I have come across a small dilemma. I've noticed how combat squad-ing my tac squads cuts down their overall effectiveness...but increases their survival/scoring ability. This may seem like a completely obvious statement, but let me explain...


It seems like when a squad is 10-strong, they are typically more of a scare to the opponent, both from potential rapid firing and more bodies on the charge. This is bad, though, because marines aren't super special at anything (except being good at everything, great at nothing). They will get tarpitted against tough cc, they will get shot to pieces by superior shooting...


but I can't help noticing how virtually ineffective combat squads are outside of allowing more tactical flexibility when holding objectives. Sure, you can fire the heavy weapon AND still get a chunk of the squad into cc...but most of the time, you're putting that heavy weapon way back, where the other 4 guys with him can't hit anything. Ok, I understand the ablative wound theory...but still...at 16pts a piece, is it worth doing that?


So I ask you, fellow Brothers, how do you make combat squads effective? Tips, advice?


I typically run a competitive Vulkan list and seem to be getting by just fine with 2 tac squads. I keep them hidden away in rhinos and jump on objectives late. I keep the MM heavy parked somewhere in back, with 4 more marines. I am not sure if I shouldn't be riding them along at 10 strong.

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I am pretty dang new, and have only played a few games with some success. Just a quick note on your statements above before I go on my little newbie rant: You said you roll with a Multi Melta in back and your other 4 troops don't get to shoot. A stationary bolter can shoot a single shot just as far as the MM!


I run 3 tac squads, each loaded out the same.

-Laz Cannon, Flamer, Powerfist, Razorback


In my opinion, if you are going to combat squad you want Razorbacks. The 5 points is very cheap for a twin-linked heavy bolter since you don't need the carrying capacity. The bolter also helps thin numbers on what you may want to charge with the smaller 5 man squad (with flamer and PF). Often times, I leave the group in the razorback until the opponent blows it up. That way, on my turn, I can shoot/flame/charge when they didn't have the chance.


I use Las Cannons because I set my units in back like you do. However, I found that the short distance of a Multi Melta just doesn't work for sitting stationary in back. I found that even the rocket launchers lesser distance has ruined me before.

The big downside I have found is that they make my army worth a lot of kill points, and are pretty easy to kill if you focus on them.


Anyway, just what I have found in my very few games over the very few months I have been playing.

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I generally bring the MM in the tac squads because 1.) its a Vulkan list, twin-linking as much stuff as I can is key 2.) MM, MG is the new las, plas of 5th ed.


I am feeling more and more like drop pods might be the way to go in my list with MM. Because combat squads are formed when the unit is deployed, you can break a 10-strong unit coming in via drop pod, into 2 5-strong combat squads when the pod comes down (don't believe me? Read the section regarding combat squads in the codex).


I'm not sure if it is my play style or what, but combat squads seem to do little more than move across the field, cap points and die. At this point, I am thinking a bunch of scout squads would be better points spent.

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Depends on opponents. Against those opponents without powerful shooting, I usually combat squad some of my heavy weapons, so I can leave them in the back.


In general, you need not care about the 4 tac marines who waste their bolters. It's not like they're gonna deliver much damage anyway. =P


In killpoints missions, I never combat squad.


It's situational really.

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In killpoints missions, I never combat squad.


After my last game, I am thinking this might be a good idea. I ended up killing my opponents' whole army, and I still had something like 6 kp's on the table. I won the game 12/10, but it's frightening having almost double the KP in your army compared to your opponent!

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