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My Inquisitors


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Hi all,

As I have said on numerous occassions, I am pretty new to the hobby. I have been collecting and painting for about a year now. Despite never managing to create an army list that I would actually like to play from the =][= codecii, I have always had a major interest in the fluff of the =][= and really like some of the models.

The first 2 pics are of the first Inquisitor that I painted. Bought him off ebay and the sword got lost in the post, so I substitutde a BT one which I think looks quite good. I paint5ed this October 08, and the pics are from then. Since then he has had some highlights done on his cloak. At the time, he was by far the best mini that I had done.



About a month ago I got my hands on the Forge World Inquisitor Loc mini. I was a bit intimidated to even start it, but after an Alaitoc Warlock (for my next army) went very well, I thought that it was about time to try my hand at a "next level" mini. I think the results are pretty good, especially looking at the previous mini. I know he is not perfect and some touch ups are needed - C&C welcome as always. The =][= symbol at the end of his parchment also snapped off and disappeared at some point - will replcae it with an ecthed brass one at some point - my GS substitution was abysmal.





So there you have it - 10 - months development as a hobbyist. Please let me know what you think.

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Wel, overall they're very good (certainly for only 10 months of experience),

but if I can give you one advice: use more layers when highlighting cloaks.

The purple one looks fine, but the blue one could have been build up more.


But overall a nice paintjob.

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Very nice and crisp painting, sure looks better than my painting 10 months in (god that's long ago), My wood elves resembled "the blob" very closely.


Keep up the great work and show us more of your =][= when they're done!



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much better than anything I could've done after 10 months. My Space Marines looked as if they'd gone through the microwave. I really like the way you've painted these minis. The only point I can make is that the power sword on the second Inquisitor needs a little bit more attention to really get the feeling of a power weapon, but that aside, great minis!
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Thanks for the replies and the C&C. In fairness I should point out that I have now been painting for a year, and that there was simply 10 months between these two Inquisitors, which IMO show a reasonable advance in skill and technique.


I accept the comment about the "build up" in layers on Loc - I must admit that I have been afraid to potentially do highlights that are too stark and extreme - its such a nice model that I did not want to screw it up! Perhaps I erred too far on the side of caution.


Thanks again for taking the time to look and more C&C welcome and appreciated!

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