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to defeat imperials


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Hey, I am new to posting so please bear with me :lol:

This weekend I am to be versing a freind who plays primarily imperial guard but also will be using some blood angels units during this game.

Now as i have never really fought a battle on this scale (2500pts per side) I was wondering if people could give me some pointers on what to include in my list?

He will probably be using karskin (sorry if spelt incorrectly), cadian shock troopers, 3 chimeras, 1 leman russ, basic HQ squads and 1 verteran squad.

He will also be using blood angels death company, C/C command squad, rhino, tactical squad and a landraider.








Sorry if this is placed in wrong forum I wasn't quite sure where to put it. ^_^

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OK so what are you intending on bringing? I am assuming that you will play Raven Guard, are you therefore using Shrike to give your guys fleet or do you usually use other things?


The problem with facing this kind of combination is that they have a rock hard assault arm in the form of Blood Angels and a very shooty element in the form of Guard.


Dont forget that guard, regardless of what you may have heard on forums, are still squishy humand who fall apart in the face of a dedicated assault (even tac marines best them in combat without much effort).



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Yes you are correct, I do play raven guard but I do not use shrike ATM I use a jump pack captain as i don't have shrike, I have actually fought imperials many times and my intention was to use fast moving assualt units to squish them.

The only thing that i am worried about is the blood angels as I have never fought them before and they as you say seem to be a very strong C/C chapter.

What would you recommend I use to best the blood angels element, as in some more shooty units to obliterate him from range or a strong C/C element to try and take him head on?











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Well certainly I would pack the usual anti marine toys:


Power Weapons,

Plasma Cannons,

Power Fists,

Multi Shot Weapons,

Counter Assault Units,

Mobile Anti Tank


You can bundle these into a number of units:


Assault Terminators, ok so this advice is actually spammed everywhere but it loses nothing in repetition. A good mix of thunderhammer and Lightning claw units will see those assaulting blood angels get bogged down in the quagmire.


If you have them landspeeder or assault bike multi meltas are good. Not only can you target transports to slow him down buy you can use them to snipe death company if there are limited number of mechanised options.


I would follow the age old maxim of "Choppa the Dakka, Dakka the Choppa". Concentrate on shooting his Marines whilst manouvering around to kick his guard in the teeth.


If you have a Thunderfire cannon it will be very helpful against the Blood Angels, shooting subterranian rounds at his foot stompers will slow them down a treat.


Bad things to try and do:


Assault his marines with Assault Squads. Unless it is severely beaten up these are best suited to killing the Guard.

Getting assaulted by Death Company, these are Furious charge, Rending and FNP. Shoot them with AP2 weapons or chop them up with power Weapons.

Concentrating far too much on the Angels and ignoring the guard.


Hope some of this helps. I appreciate that it is a little generalist but without knowing what you have its a little theoretical.



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Firstly thank you heaps for the advice and I will take this in my mind when I make up my list,

and sorry bout not telling you exactly what I have I just didnt really want to list all my units and possibly forget one (don't have them on me)

But i will give it a go:

1 x drop pod, storm bolter

1 x rhino

1 x dreadnaught

1 x landraider redeemer

1 x predator destructor

1 x MM attack bike

1 x MM landspeeder

1 x 3 man bike squad with melta

4 x tactical squad 3 ML, 1 HB

2 x 5 man assualt squads (can be made into single 10 man)

1 x 5 man vanguard squad with jumpacks, powers weapons, relic blade and plasma pistols

1 x 6 man termie squad with CML

2 x 5 man scout squads

6 vets useable as commanders or vet sarges

1 x command squad with basic layout

1 x techmarine and 3 servitors (2 HB gun servitors, 1 C/C)


I'm pretty sure thats my entire space marine collection but if I really wanted to get dirty and add some fire support I do have 3 leman russes, a baneblade and some other imperial guard goodies but I'd prefer to just crush him with pure SM.



Also for anyone who questions the lack of mobility in my army, that is purely my stupidity when I collected these models I had noone around to play so I did it more for looks then actual battle usefulness and so more transport is now first on my to get list. <_<

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I am sorry that noone else is posting here, I left it be to stop it being a one to one B)


I would suggest taking the Redeemer and throwing it into the death companys face. Those Terminators should be a great complement for them as they can come out after the royal roasting and shoot then charge.


Drop podding a dread right in the guards face will be nice and if you arm it with a locator beacon you can hopefully drop both the 10 man assault squad and Vanguard for some up close and personal assaulting action.


I see a landspeeder which can proxy as a Storm and 5 scouts which can either take advantage of first turn assault or some good outflanking assaulting of the guard.


What I see is a two speed approach whereby you accellerate certain units into position to close the gap on the guard whilst engaging the marines at range.


Hope it all goes well. Remember to shoot up his Blood Angels though, dont get too worried about his guard and direct too much firepower on them.



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I can understand lack of peoples interest it isn't exactly a exciting topic but anyway thank you for all of the help i will definitly take these ideas and tactics with me to the battle.







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