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Emperor's Children(formerly Black Legion)

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Hi! :P


A couple of weeks ago i started to build a Chaos Space Marines army,and for my scheme i decided upon the black legion(i was reading horus rising at the time :P ).

Now i've decided to add some colour and a theme to my growing force by making them worshippers of Slaanesh,which has always been one of my favourite gods.


I'm going to be working on some fluff for my force,basically the warband will be comprised of black legion marines and a core of veteran slaanesh worshippers with an allied Emp Children contingent.


Anyway,onto pics:


Terimator lord with twin lightning claws and mark of Slaanesh:






First marine squad,still needs bumping to 10 models:




Second squad,assault based,will probably reach 7 marines strong,and still need basing:


And the army as a whole at the minute:


In the middle of the last pic you can see the PIP on my small chosen of slaaensh squad called 'The Swords Of Slaanesh',which will be a fun unit with 4 power weapons and a flamer and will also form a bodyguard for my lord in PA when i've assembled/converted him(using the Games day warriors model).


I hope you like the models and i look forward to answering any questions,comments,criticism etc.




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I haven't had as much time as i'd have liked to paint during the last couple of days,however i did get an hour in today where i added the start of some purple patches to my marines:



When i finish the purple it will look like the purple on the Terminator lords shoulder pad(see above).


Also i've started on the last 3 marines for my first squad;the Standard bearer,Missile laucher marine and a bog-standard marine:



As you can see they are still very WIP.


I didn't have the time to take pictures,but i've been working on 3 noise marines converted from the standard marine kit.

Basically i've added the gargoyle barrel from the vehicle sprue to the end of a shortened boltgun to make the blasters,whilst adding the vents from spare backpacks to various parts of the armour to act as speakers.

I still want to add some GS detail which i'll hopefully get done some time during this week.




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To be honest i quite like the purple parts in the locations they are.

I'm not being ignorant to your advice though,i just like them like this.


Anyway,i finished the purple so I'll post some pics later.




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Heres some pics of my WIP Noise marines.

They aren't brilliant but i quite like them and they are easy to make.

A quick note about the GS;the only tool i currently have for GS is a pen knife,so untill i buy some clay shapers i have to use the knife,which frankly is pants. :)







They are all equipped with my quick and easy take on the sonic blasters(i would have liked to add some guitar wire but i dont have any) and close combat weapons.One marine has a converted blastmaster whilst the chapion has a doom siren on his powerpack.

As i said,they aren't brilliant but they'll do. <_<




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Update time again.


Started painting one of my noise marines,and after what seemed like hours,ive finally finished the pink:




Pink is EVIL!

The green on the blaster and the chainsword isn't finished yet and its getting too dark to carry on,so it'll have to wait till tomorrow.


I hope you like it! :teehee:




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Pink is EVIL!

Ha, now I know why the Emperor's Children chose it then! :P


You're right though, it's an awkward colour to paint over black, but so far it looks amazing on your model, really nice blending and highlighting.


Looking forward to seeing how your army develops! :)

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Hi all,

I've finished the Noise marine. :D

I'm quite suprised actually because he took a lot less time to paint then the Black Legion models i've painted thus far.Strange. :P


Here's the pics:





tortoise & firestorm40k-Thank you both for the comments.

I'm glad you both like the marine,i've seen both your painting diaries and i have to say you are both really skilled and creative,so it's nice to see that you like my models. :D


I'm joining a campaign next week( i think) and the one condition is that we start with a new HQ choice which will develop stats wise through out the campaign.I'm thinking of taking a Daemon Prince or a cheap lord in Power armour.Either way i'm going to need to improve with GS as i want this model to stand out and look unique.

Plus there will be prizes for the best looking HQ choice and army. ;)




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  • 2 weeks later...


I've been a bit busy since my last post,but i have still been working on my army.

Progress with pics so far:


3 WIP Noise marines:


1 non-noise marine:


1 Pink Predator WIP:



My power armoured lord who needs a suitable fancy base:


Daemon Prince i'm making:


So my armies growing pretty quickly and i'm really enjoying painting the pink now,even if i do get some rather odd looks thrown my way when i'm painting at GW. :)


Hope you like them,


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  • 2 weeks later...


I haven't really done as much as i'd have liked for this army the last week or two mainly due to the terrain piece i'm builiding.

Today,however,i did manage to get this far with these models:


WIP Predator:


3 Noise marines and a standard marine:




Nothing terribly exciting i know,but its progress atleast.




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Loving the noise marines! They look extra slaanesh. Love the lord from the first post. How did you get his skin that color? I'd like to do something similiar to that for my tech priest.


Keep up the great work can't wait to see more.

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Despire having little sleep and being slightly hungover,i did a little work on my Predator:





It's not finished yet.I want to add some more pink freehands,preferably on the sides and the lights and Emps Children badge need finishing.Ofcourse the tracks are still in need of paint too.


lt.rasczak-I painted the skin with some purple paints i mixed up a few years ago,so i'm not certain on the actual mix,but i do know its a mix of Hormagaunt purple and white,adding more white as needed for the highlights.I think. :o


Thanks for looking.



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Well its a start on the right direction for the skin, thank you for that.


Pred is looking very nice. Kudos to you for painting hungover. I think if I wasn't hungover I would be painting a lot more..... then again if I wasn't drinking I wouldn't start half the projects I end up working on, so it's a slippery slope.


Everything is looking great, keep up the good work.

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