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I don't know if this has already been covered, but a guard player is building his list and is leaning to having a Pscyker squad at the core of the army. Which from what I understand it will be able to reduce my leadership down to 2 from 12" out.


Without a codex to read up on this, is there any other tips other than a Librarian and/or blasting them a.s.a.p.? Lascannon/MM to open their transport. A rino full of tacticals to mop up?


Marines got no other way to stop Psy attacks like GK/SoB can. All we go are librarians and the proper aplication of superior firepower.

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Well, Sicarius' rites of battle let any squad use his leadership, so if he is outside the 36 inch range of the power, you can use his leadership instead of the squads leadership of 2.


Also, Pedro Kantor and Lysander both let you be stubborn, so you always test on unmodified leadership.


Finally, Marneus Calgar lets you just pass with no roll, so you dont have to care what your actual ld score is.


If you dont mind the ally rules, you can take sisters with the book, which lets any unit within 6 inches test on the sister's unmodified leadership. You can also take a DH/WH psychic hood, for the unlimited range. Finally, if you get an inquisitor lord, you can pick up the culexus assassian as they will get +1 s5 ap1 pistol shot for each of the 10 psykers in the psychic battle squad.


If you loathe both the 4 special characters above AND the allies rules, you can simply put a chaplain in whatever foot slogging squad you were worried about having a LD of 2 with, as when they are made fearless what does their leadership matter?


In the end, the fact is that the psychic choir only works on the guard players turn, it does not persist into your turn. If you have a transport for everything, then they will have a hard time targeting your squad with a psychic power, and in your turn you will be free to act normal.

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Pedro and Lysander are your best bets. They make your entire army stubborn, and hence immune to that psychic power.


Another option is to just keep your army mechanized. This makes them immune to this particular psychic power... Until they leave their transport, that is.

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Thanks for all the advice. It just shows how ignorant I am of the rules and what we have at our desposal.


For lower point games my cheapest/best bet is to keep my army mobile. But for higher point games, which I'm going to build my collection for, I'll use what you've given me here. You guys have given me great Codex:SM counters that don't leave me vulnerable to other army builds just because of them.

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Telion to shoot the dirty little Psyker in the face!


But out of curiosity, why the reluctance to use a Librarian? He would be a great use in this case, and cheaper than other special characters.



Ah the problem with IG is that it is a squad of Psykers whose impact is dependant on the size of the squad. Simply killing off some of the Psykers will reduce the impact they can have on you.


Either that or Librarian, Chaplain, Transport, Pinning weapons, Thunderfire, Whirlwind, Heavy Flamer Ironclad or IC


All of which can effectively neuter this ability from turn 1. Telion can only take 2 of them down a turn so I think his experience is best used taking out the damn Master of the Fleet (-1 to reserve rolls) or Master of the Ordenance (he is evil!)



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Telion can only take 2 of them down a turn so I think his experience is best used taking out the damn Master of the Fleet (-1 to reserve rolls) or Master of the Ordenance (he is evil!)


I always thought having choices was a good thing :tu:, seriously though with wound allocation rules tghe rest of the sniper squad should do some damage too...

Persoanlly though a LSS with heavy flamer for first turn mayhem is a good idea, but then speeders with HF in general work wonders against guard, and they dont use leadership ;)



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GC08 I had thought of that after my post. Considering I almost blinded myself twice converting my Scout Sergant to Power Weapon and Combi Melta I am embrasing the Scout way of life (Storms will be purchased after their release).


A Storm with Assualt/Shotgun scouts and a power weapon will make a mess of this unit. If they dont get first turn just outflank them (certainly made a mess of my opponents Chaos Space Marines when 5 CC + Power Fist wiped 10 of them off the map).



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But out of curiosity, why the reluctance to use a Librarian? He would be a great use in this case, and cheaper than other special characters.


No doubt the Lib is cheaper and has powers. It's just that relying on him to transport a squad by Gate of Inf., and killing with vortex of doom places the squad at risk of misplacement or dieing a horible/ironic death. Small chance yes, but one that's avoidable. For small point games a Lib. adds so much good stuff, but when something rarely goes wrong, it can end the game.


That and a psychic hood isn't as good as Sicarius' rites, Pedro, or Lysander.

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