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Inquisition a Go-Go!


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A friend I game with most weeks and I both seem to have got excited about Grey Knights as additions to or replacements for our usual SM armies, and I thought I'd paint up some GKTs for a change. On top of this, all the Witch Hunters stuff my GF's been doing for her army also made me want to make something of their ilk, so I took a poke at a Canoness. They aren't done yet, but these are the first WIP pics I've taken;







The sad thing is that since she's not exactly a core part of my army, I'm probably going to have to sell her. Same for the GKTs, actually. She's meant to have a Blessed Weapon, but I guess it could be a "normal" power weapon at a pinch too. Unfortunately her backpack was a bit old and dinged up (hence why I had it spare).






The green on the NFW's was a friend's suggestion. It wasn't until I actually finished them that I realised they looked like Necron weapons. Argh. :/ I think I'm doing well considering they're 3 identical torsos + the converted brother-captain. The weapons are also much more luminous in person, and glow in the dark faintly.


I need to pick out details on everyone, and I'm kind of unhappy with the "script" on all the GK's scrolls and whatnot. Anyone know a good way of painting those?

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your gkt looks great (specially the blades! any tutorials?)

but regarding your canoness... something piss me of... but i can't tell what...

maybe it's the fact that she look blind from one eye, but have have bionics on the other... or something else...

i don't know exactly where it came from, but something seem off. I mean that it's not in the painting, but in the colour scheme or in the detail... just i can't point it.

anyway don't focus too hard on this critic, as i'd love to paint like you, and all your mini's look great!


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Copy-pasted from my reply to the same question on another board;



Cheating, mostly. They were done the same chrome as the rest of the body, then I custom mixed a glaze with Future Floor Polish (AKA Klear), Scorpion Green, and GW's old Dark Green Ink. I did a couple of coats of it by hand so that it had a decent glossy sheen, then drybrushed with progressively lighter greens (scorpion and putrid + Bad Moon Yellow + White) as well as edging them. Then, once I'd done that I painted on another few coats of the custom glaze, then airbrushed about 5 thin coats of Gunze Sanjyo Mr Color Florescent green over the top, followed by a mix of the Florescent green and some glow-in-the-dark lacquer paint I got in Japan that's supposedly for painting fishing lures...


Yeah, so they're really green, even more so in person (and they literally glow in sunlight)! They look like the clear Necron rod parts, I'm considering trying to do similar things with blue, orange and pink for power/force/daemon weapons etc in future.


Do you think the light blue pupil makes the Canoness look like she's blind? I might darken it a little with a tiny dot of ink wash or something, in that case. If something bothers you about the detail, maybe it's the fact I highlighted the cloak with both orange and pink in places. :/

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I really wanted to take some daylight photos of these guys for better lighting, but no such luck, it's really overcast where I am. However! I replaced the LEDs in a cheap LED torch with UV ones, so you can get an idea of how silly luminous the swords are;





That's a totally un-retouched photo, just cropped to size.

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So, today I learned that blue florescent colours are nowhere near as vivid as their green, pink and yellow counterparts. :( Actually, now I think about it, vivid blue paints are fairly hard to come by...



Oh well.


At least it glows reasonably well under a UV light and in daylight, like her eye;






In the end I ended up using paint retarder to drybrush florescent yellow over the blue for highlights, but it's nowhere near as good as acrylics would have been... A couple of coats of blue UV Gaia Notes paint did only a little for it, since I took the photos it's had a thick glaze of clear UV reactive blue-glowing paint put on. I should take another set of UV-glow pictures for selling her.


I guess my next trick is to work out some kind of blue/green compromise for power weapons that doesn't look like Necron green... Maybe I could get away with orange? Pink's probably a bit too Gundam-y for most people.

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Ah, alas, doing that would require casting a clear resin NFW around the LED, which might raise a few eyebrows. ^^; Though I guess "normal" Force Weapons do have cables you could use to justify power cables... But you'd have a hard time fitting the batteries anywhere, even in say, a plastic Terminator... :lol: But thanks!
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Too bad they don't make UV LED's...you could have it sitting on a inconspicuous debris pile on your bases which then casts UV light on your UV reactive paint. Oh well, maybe in a few years...



Good job overall. Very dark and gritty.

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Too bad they don't make UV LED's...you could have it sitting on a inconspicuous debris pile on your bases which then casts UV light on your UV reactive paint. Oh well, maybe in a few years...


Good job overall. Very dark and gritty.



Ah, but they /do/ make UV LEDs. :D What do you think I built the LED torch I used to light the pics out of? ;) Alas, something this gimmicky wouldn't do too well at GD or anything, not least because they're obviously non-Citadel paints. But if I entered a model with UV paint into a contest I'd try and hide some LEDs in the base, maybe on a timer or something so they wouldn't eat the whole battery before the show was over.



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Right, just for some comparison, I took photos in the natural light today; The Canoness doesn't look too different, but the GKTs are much shinier for it. :lol:






And with that, I think I'm done with painting these guys. Reckon it's worth trying to sell them on forums before hitting feeBay?

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