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Updated Blood Angels


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So I have been away from the Space Marines for a long time painting and playing other plastic and metal boyz who will remain nameless. In my defense I am a Blood Angel player from the days of bright paints and cartoon looking models. Being someone who is not apt to get rid of things I still have my old Angels.


Old angel




Now now before you say anything it was my first 40k army. That brings us to here and now. The other day I am in the local hobby store fondling the AoBR boxed set for the 100th time wondering if maybe I should make my way into 5th edition. Whatever will I do with the Space Marines that come with it I ask myself? Then it comes to me, redo my Blood Angels in a more up to date style. Also having recently learned the magic of Simple Green maybe strip some of the old guys and repaint them.


So what follows will be the AoBR set some of the few hundred dollars worth of unpainted Angels that litter my house and some repaints of the old style Blood Angels.


AoBR Terminator Sgt




AoBR Terminator




Here are some of the unpainted guys I had laying around.


Veteran Sgt who I use as either a Libby or as Sicarius if I go Codex list.




Various Tactical guys from Squad 1








Thats all I have done for now but hope to finish the Tactical squad and Terminator squad in the next few days. After that I will start Tactical squad 2 with the AoBR Dread or a repaint of this old Powerfist Sgt.




Peace Out.

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Definately a bit more color would be good. Instead of doing a flat boltgun metal on the lascannon, go with some black or maybe even something more than that. Also, be sure to pick out some small areas when painting. I noticed that the joints on your guys aren't painted. Doing at least a black basecoat will help those guys stand out and helps break up the monotone color. You may also want to do something with your chest eagles. I see your terminator chest eagle is done in a bone color, try and use that or go with that wonderful white you have on your older models.


Really, your red is very good and you have excellent painting skills. You just need some things to make these guys outstanding!

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Thanks for the replys and CC. I should have said these are some fast tabletop standard Angels I am putting together so my wife has something to crush with her angry Orks. You can only fight necrons and Nurgle Marines for so long with out a break.


Since my last post I have made some progress, both the Tac squad and Termies are done with paint and just basing for a couple of them left. I also had some time the other day and tossed a random one sitting paint job on the AoBR Dread. Once I get him based you will see him in another thread. OK enough with the talk on to the pics.


I have a good friend who has a strange affinity to cyclone launchers for his Terminators. Course this is good for me cause now I get to have a Assault Cannon in my AoBR Terminator squad.




Two more from Tac squad 1




Peace Out.

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