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Deathwing WIP

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So, I've played Deathwing for a little while now, and I've never been good at getting them painted. I did some conversions, and then never got them painted up. I then restarted a little while ago, got some terminators mostly done, then stopped again. Well, now I'm determined to finish, so here's my blog to try to keep me motivated.


First, the work that I've finished already:


Belial Conversion






A few mostly painted terminators:






With Assault Cannon (also, only partly painted)






Converted AoBR sergeants





And the Apothecary conversion



C+C is most certainly welcome, and I'll get my new work posted as soon as I can. Here's to hoping I can actually finish a model.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So today I was looking at my Dreadnoughts. I have three of these:



I never use them because they look like crap, and I've got other dreadnoughts to use (I bought the AoBR box for the Termies and Marines). So I decided to fix that. It first started out as a simple leg reposition, but then it kinda grew from there. After a few hours, here's how the Dread is now (Still very much WIP):



And the beginnings of his base (notice he's flinching) :):


He'll be striding off of a ruin and onto the CSM (not even noticing him) just about to crush him. :)


Rough position



And a close up of the redesigned front:



I gotta say, I'm really happy with how he's turning out, even though he's still somewhat in the rough stages.

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Looking great so far. Can't wait to see the finised work...


Thanks. I can't wait to see it either. <_<


So after looking at the pose and the base, I decided to redo them and add the Assault Cannon so that you can see what I was going for with the left-looking head.


(This is all tacked together so I can redo it if I need).






The CSM will be blended into the landscape so that it's obvious he is a previous casualty.


The base is mostly done, except for something small to go into the empty space in front of the Dread and the sand work.


Better? What do you guys think about the join on the AC? Too much?

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Well, got some more work done on the Dread. I think it's pretty close to being done, except for some work on the banner. Would added stuff just get too over the top?




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If I might say so myself, your dread is fairly reminiscent of FW's chappy dread(which I really like). I also like the theme or "feel" or scenario going on with the base. I was thinking about having an Ironclad with a chaos termy or marine against a wall in his cc hand, and beheading it with his chainaxe(chainfist). :devil:

As far as being cluttered, i think that if the smoke launchers werent inthe spot their at, and the banner was a bit smaller, or maybe even scrolls instead, it would look better. just my little nitpickkin' opinion. :devil:

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  • 3 months later...

Riiiiise! Riiiiise from the dead!


Okay, so I have a good explanation for why I stopped working on these guys, and then why I didn't get pictures uploaded when I did start up again, but I know you guys aren't interested in excuses, just pictures. ;)


So here goes! Some of these terminators have been seen in this thread before, but all of them have had work done, and have been at least rebased.


The first terminator I finished, rebased onto my new style.



Next, we have a lot of WIP photos, some more WIP than others.


Just need to finish the targetter, get some freehand onto the powerfist (over the white stripe) and the SB and I'll be done I think.



This guy is in a similar position: finish SB and the fist



Next, I have a terminator desperately in need of arms and some freehands (heh, bad pun). :tu:



Close up of the base, showcasing some ruined machinery



Another model at the armless stage (this one a sergeant needing a banner too)



This guy used to be carrying an Assault Cannon, until he was demoted. He needs a SB. Or maybe if he's a good boy, he'll get a AC again.



Close up of the base:



That's it for the WIPs. Next what I would consider two fully finished models.


First, a LC terminator.



Finally, my favorite and most recent model: Assault Cannon Wielding Apothecary of Death! This model was photographed differently, and the result is closer to the true color of the Terminators.




I really like how he turned out.



So, that's it tonight. I have some Sergeants I am working on, but all they have is a base coat, so I'll leave them for later. Plenty more stuff to paint (and to finish), so let's hope I can keep rolling!


C&C always appreciated.

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That bad huh?


Here's the sergeants I was talking about, just a small update:


Base coat is just Dheneb Stone (this was after only one coat, I usually do 2 or 3 of watered down coats):



Next is a heavy wash of Gryphonne Sepia and a light wash of Graveyard Earth:




At this point, I would move on to starting to lighten the armor, but after a suggestion from Isiah, I think I'll look at other wash options.


More updates soon.

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