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Combi Weapons on Tactical Sergants


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Hi all,


Was wondering if anyone regularly takes combi weapons on Sergants? I have just built a combi Melta for my Scout Sergant and I think I remember Tactical Sergants being able to pack them.


I was planning on running the following squad:


10 Tactical Marines

> Combi Melta, meltabombs and Power Weapon Sgt

> Melta

> Free Heavy

>> Razorback


The combi Melta and melta should complement each other and give you a high chance at destroying it in shooting phase. Melta Bombs are there if the shooting did not work. Mainly going for transports with this type of unit and leaving the heavy combat squad shooting heavy weapon around.


Alternatively you could replace the Melta and Combi Melta for Flamer and Combi Flamer, then go targeting some hoard goodness.


Is this a flight of fancy or a viable tactic.


I am going to be using these tactics with a Landspeeder Storm based scout squad as I have found that this unit works well and the combi adds a little extra punch to the party.



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I play Wolves and my pack leaders dont have combi-weapons. However combi-weapons on wolf guard battle leaders is always fun and worth the points. Fot tactical marines I would take combi-weapons to add extra punch.


And I reccommend multi-melta as free heavy as melta is the way to win, but that squad would have a lot of melta already

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You can either use Combi-Weapons to supplement the Squads main function or to cover a weakness. Pairing the Combi-Melta with the Meltagun Squad works well, although I would drop the Power Weapon and Melta Bombs in favour of a Power Fist, as 3 STR8 attacks is usually going to beat out the single meltabomb attack.


As regards a heavy weapon, I would NOT take the Multi-Melta. There is no operational synergy between the two weapons. At 6" range you want to be able to fire both the Meltagun and Combi-Melta and then Assault, which you can't do if you fire the Multi-Melta, at 12" range you would be better served by moving 6" and then firing and assaulting as above, at up to 18" you can get the same effect as a single Multi-Melta shot by moving 6" and then firing the Meltagun, and beyond that you should be in your Rhino.


I'd take a Heavy Bolter. It does a completely different thing and strengthens the squad in a different area.


The other Combi-Weapons are very useful in the right circumstances. The Combi-Flamer can surprise Horde armies, and the Combi-Plasma is good for Terminators and Light Vehicles.

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You can either use Combi-Weapons to supplement the Squads main function or to cover a weakness. Pairing the Combi-Melta with the Meltagun Squad works well, although I would drop the Power Weapon and Melta Bombs in favour of a Power Fist, as 3 STR8 attacks is usually going to beat out the single meltabomb attack.


As regards a heavy weapon, I would NOT take the Multi-Melta. There is no operational synergy between the two weapons. At 6" range you want to be able to fire both the Meltagun and Combi-Melta and then Assault, which you can't do if you fire the Multi-Melta, at 12" range you would be better served by moving 6" and then firing and assaulting as above, at up to 18" you can get the same effect as a single Multi-Melta shot by moving 6" and then firing the Meltagun, and beyond that you should be in your Rhino.


I'd take a Heavy Bolter. It does a completely different thing and strengthens the squad in a different area.


The other Combi-Weapons are very useful in the right circumstances. The Combi-Flamer can surprise Horde armies, and the Combi-Plasma is good for Terminators and Light Vehicles.


I disagree. But I'm not an expert so here is how I see it:


You are saving 5 points with the PW+MB. Beyond the obvious, a MB attack (granted, only one) is 8+2D6. This one attack - if you hit - is WAY more powerful. If TWO melta-gun shots did not bust the tank then this is a good, and comparable, back-up to finish the job. Keep in mind that to use either MB or PF you are committing the entire unit to assault the machine. I'd rather save 5 points for somewhere else. Finally, a PW keeps the Sergeant's attacks at Initiative, which is better than average. If you are up against equal I, then I'd rather fight simultaneously over waiting, even at the cost of vastly improved chances to-wound.


On the Multi-Melta: if the role of the squad is AT hunting, then the MM is clearly the better choice. If you tke the Heavy Bolter then you will have to choose what to do - maintain AT priority or take the opportunity-shot against infantry. This is not a bad combo at all and Koremu makes very valid points, but if you are committing points to make this squad have a function, then the "free" heavy weapon should serve to that end, not spread or widen the role. Give the AI role to another unit. If anything, if you need to kill infantry, then the MM's high Str/AP will give you that killing power.


Koremu is correct that the other combi's work in certain situations, but you are dedicating a model to carry a single choice. So I would playtest the Combi-Melta option with the AT goal in mind before committing any further models to the venture. Try the MM and the HB to see which works with your playstyle.


++EDIT - spelling.++

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I feel that the points for a combi-melta can be easily wasted. You have a good chance to hit (2/3), but then if you miss those points are wasted. Of course, playing with a meltagun as well, and even with Vulcan can help the combi-melta be more effective.


I would say that for Tactical Sergeants, the best combi-weapon is a combi-flamer, as you don't need to roll to hit, and know it will nearly always do something. Backed up by a flamer it can be very scary against not only horde armies, but also some tougher units, just by causing large numbers of wounds.


If I were to run combi-meltas I would would run them on a Sternguard squad, where you can get more of them for cheaper, and therefore stand a better chance at popping the odd tanks. However, for Tactical Sergeants I would prefer the combi-flamer option to reduce the chance of wasting points by failing to hit.

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If you can find the points, there's really no reason not to equip your Veteran Sergeants with combi-flamers and Powerfists. I'd probably do it myself, but I don't feel like tearing apart my models to equip 'em this way.
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Every Sergeant with a powerfist in my army has a combi weapon; they are cheap enough to be useful. In a meltagun squad, combimelta. In a flamer squad; combi flamer.


As for meltabombs, I give these to any sergeants/IC that have a powerweapon that ISNT a fist. I want any squad to have SOME kind of defence/deterrant against walkers and tanks. I aim to have no easy pickings in my army... :wacko:



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  • 2 weeks later...
I prefer giving to my sergeants PF as they are way too angrier with it than with PW. Yes, it costs more but no high-ranked dude or monster may kill my squad and leave unscratched... Once upon a time my sarge kicked the %@#* out off Lemartes... In turn when death company charged... And I sincerely doubt that modest PW would do the same...
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I'm behind the combi-flamer / PF for tac sergeants. I think the flamer works better here. The one shot limit matters less if you're firing it immediately before going into HTH. You're likely going to be tied up in combat for the next couple of turns and the loss of the shot doesn't matter.
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IMO the only combi weapon that is worth taking is the flamer. Even when you hit on a 3+ for some reason (demon meddling probablly) combi weapons are notorious for missing and becoming wasted points. Using a combi flamer takes away your chance of missing thus as long as you have something to shoot it at it is never wasted points. Also, the value of a combi flamer increases exponentially when you use them in a Vulkan list. I personally put one on all my Sgt.s that are in objective taking squads (3).
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