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Vanguard: An Idea


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Now, I realize that the topic of whether Vanguard are worth it or not has been done to death, but would it be points-efficient to consider a bare-bones Vanguard squad, without upgrades save for spare bodies, in a LR or somesuch? You'd be pumping out the same number of attacks as a squad of Assault Terminators with Lightning Claws at half the cost, albeit at the expense of hitting power and durability. So, does anyone think it'd be worth trying out?
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Sure, it's worth trying out. Whether or not it will work, that's another matter. While you would end up saving some points, the lack of power weapons is debilitating to comparing the squad to assault terminators with lightining claws. Even if the enemy only has a 4+ armour save, you are still halving the number of wounds that go through, not even counting the re-rolls to wound for the lightning claws. Being deployed from a Crusader, they don't even get to use the fact that they carry frag grenades - a terminator squad getting out would get the same effect anyway from the crusader.


Don't let me put you off trying them though - often there will be advantages which you can't see on paper. Besides, a Vanguard squad done properly looks great anyway!

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Now, I realize that the topic of whether Vanguard are worth it or not has been done to death, but would it be points-efficient to consider a bare-bones Vanguard squad, without upgrades save for spare bodies, in a LR or somesuch? You'd be pumping out the same number of attacks as a squad of Assault Terminators with Lightning Claws at half the cost, albeit at the expense of hitting power and durability. So, does anyone think it'd be worth trying out?

Well... It's OK but... Why not take terminators then? The only difference is that you'll get a few more bodies into a vanguard squad, but I think terminator durability and increased hitting power more then makes up for the 4 extra vanguard you'll have in the LR.


Also, you have to spend at least SOME points on those vanguard, so that they'd have a power fist or two.

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