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Tactics for Razorback / Tactical squads


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So, it seems... alot of people are doing the 10 man tactical w/ Razorback deployment thing. I am new, so i really dont have it crystal clear.


Do you guys start w/ deploying your tactical squad in the Razorback, then on your first turn, drop the heavy/special weapons guys off right away to defend your objective, and dive then drive the rest (bolter and sarg guys) toward opposite objective?...is that the general idea?

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Actually since a razorback can only carry 6 personnel, have to start out with the squads seperate if i play combat squads i start out with ml and 4 bolter guys back and sgt with 3 bolters and meltagunor flamer in razorback.
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Hmm I find your question somewhat confusing. From my understanding, the only way to utilize the transport capacity on a RB in a Tactical Squad is to Combat Squad them into five man units. This is generally a bad idea for most games requiring scoring units, as there are several articles (mostly Killhammer) basically addressing the ease with which an opponent can neutralize small squads. Even in non-scoring unit based games, a 10 man unit is still normally the better approach. The concept behind taking a RB for a 10 man unit but not starting out with the squad inside it is rather simple, actually: it's a firebase. The Twin-Linked HB RB is the cheapest way to get a HB in C:SM (other than an Attack Bike, which isn't Twin-Linked and soaks Fast Attack slots) which makes it a very efficient and mobile firebase. It also has other advantages, such a being able to do everything annoying that a Rhino can do (screening infantry on the advance, like Assault Marines; blocking lanes of movement with armored corpses; Tank Shock) for only a cost of five more points. And, you can still transport depleted squads with it later in the game (I've done this at least twice recently to snag objectives from a weakened opponent in turn 5+).
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