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Shooty Terminators


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I rarely use Terminators due to my inability to make 2+ saves. Seriously, out of 6 saves I generally fail 3 almost every time! :)


Brother Tual made a good suggestion that he uses to great effectiveness. He uses a unit of 10 and often accompanies them with Calgar, making the unit very powerful. Main reanon being you can kill 5 and still have to take 10 powerfist hits back plus Calgar.


I'm tempted to try Calgar accompanied with Terminators up the table, firing as they go and then getting Calgar to charge in and munch an enemy.


I think they have their place as a good reserve, being difficult to deal with at range for assault armies or held in reserve so later in the game while your opponent is off attacking your objective you can deepstrike by theirs and dispute it.


Does Calgar come with the Eternal Warrior rule? That's one of the best things about the Shooty Terminator/Lysander pair - he can shrug off a couple of wounds, saving your 40 point models.

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Shou 'nuff he does. The man is a beast. Anyone saying something different is trying to sell you something. Like a bucket full of blasphemous crap.


Shooty Terminators are fine. But they are not a dumb unit to play with and it takes some practice. I guess you could say that with all things - even trying to burn a Witch - but I think it applies more to TacTerms.

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I do miss the good old days when TH/SS Termies were laughable and double AC Tac Termies were gods. Even before they buffed the Assault Cannon in 4th, I had a lot of good games with my Tac Termies with 3rd's squishy vehicle damage tables.


That said, Tac Termies are still good. As many have stated, not as autopilot as TH/SS but they can throw some nasty mobile firepower and soak a good bit of return. Again, they depend highly on being in the right place at the right time, and can really put the hurting on low armor save opponents, especially if used to kite around a bit. I don't really understand the whole "more expensive" argument, because honestly all you're paying for is the special weapon, which is maybe 10-30 points and can easily earn that back. Not many have mentioned the Cyclone in here, but I'd like to point out that two Krak Missiles makes transports cry. That said, you could get the same from a LS Typhoon, and afford two for the same cost, or less.


I would basically argue that in the current edition of 40k, assaulting is generally a better bet than shooting (with many exceptions) so a durable unit that can do this consistantly will pretty much win out over the equivalent "well rounded" unit.

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I do miss the good old days when TH/SS Termies were laughable and double AC Tac Termies were gods. Even before they buffed the Assault Cannon in 4th, I had a lot of good games with my Tac Termies with 3rd's squishy vehicle damage tables.


That said, Tac Termies are still good. As many have stated, not as autopilot as TH/SS but they can throw some nasty mobile firepower and soak a good bit of return. Again, they depend highly on being in the right place at the right time, and can really put the hurting on low armor save opponents, especially if used to kite around a bit. I don't really understand the whole "more expensive" argument, because honestly all you're paying for is the special weapon, which is maybe 10-30 points and can easily earn that back. Not many have mentioned the Cyclone in here, but I'd like to point out that two Krak Missiles makes transports cry. That said, you could get the same from a LS Typhoon, and afford two for the same cost, or less.


I would basically argue that in the current edition of 40k, assaulting is generally a better bet than shooting (with many exceptions) so a durable unit that can do this consistantly will pretty much win out over the equivalent "well rounded" unit.


i argee with you brother!but i prefere shooting rather than assault because a terminator squad can kill evrything expecially with the pratically unknown cyclone launcher missile!! by!

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I have used 10 man shootie Terminators several times. It is undeniably a psychological threat to any opponent and you can usualy see this on their face when the terminators land at or among his lines and have a hay day shooting things up.


Yes they get shot at once but its better than slogging in and being shot at two or three times. Trust me 10 of these guys marching in rank will draw serious fire.


I have used their number to heard the enemy away(more like mopping up). As they walk forward the number of shots they drop with two heavies and their storm bolters can put a hurt on a unit. If they dont assault me they are running from me and most that assault have been shot up already.


You must support them though with something. I have used tactical marines to add to the shooting and can make a counter charge to get some extra attacks keeping them from getting stuck in. This is also nice with a dread or a Crusader due to the 24" complimenting ranges.


On another note I had a rather large game as I often do and deep striked ten in with two cyclones into a corner. The corner that he had deployed in. It was a three objective battle and in the third turn he turned around evey hammerhead and rail rifle he had to destroy my Termies. In the end none remained due to their lack of support but he had dedicated over half his force for almost two turns to shoot at ten 2+ save termies taking a 3+ cover save in some fortifications. It allowed my tacticals to advance nearly unmolested to the center objective. We all know that prying tacticals out of an objective is hard when they have a 4+ cover as well. I barely held that second objective and he held none as my termies faithfully made him crap his trousers at the thought of 4 krak missiles at his rear armor each turn.


Expensive? Oh Yeah. Effective? Nearly all the time. Fun? Thats a big HELL YEAH!



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