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Magnetized Predator


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Hello all!


I finished my Magnetized Predator in record time and am now painting it. Here are some photos of the pre paint stage. The sponsons and main weapons are swappable and the cupola can be swapped out for a Storm Bolter. The back hatch is hinged so I can store the unused sponsons and main weapon when playing or transporting the model. I used mostly D21 magnets from K J Magnetics.


Autocannon with Lascannon Sponsons



Lascannon with Heavy Bolter Sponsons



Two D21's on each weapon and two inside the turret



A small piece of sheet steel and a D41 for the Sponsons



A few pieces of plasticard make a rotating turret that doesn't fall off all the time.



A D21 secures the ramp so I can store unused weapons in the crew compartment.


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I take it you aren't going to be painting the inside of the pred for showing? if you are, you might need a better way of securing it than that bulky rear hatch addition. It's not a bad idea. But if you're showing it off, it's a bit... in-elegant.


I've got a tutorial on my deviant art page on magnetizing a Land Raider. You might find something you like for a more elegant solution.

Land Raider Magnets

Ooo, you used magnets on both parts of the gun? its easier (and no possible missalignment problems) if you just use a bit of steel wire, such as a bit of paperclip, seiled a little under the surface of the part. You also get twice as many magnets to play with than before.


Edit: *Cough* only just noticed the bit of sheet steel used on the sponsons, now i feel condecending. Oh well, the above post is still usefull for those that read this and hadn't thought of it before.

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