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How to destroy the death wing

Captin Xavier

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Hey lads and ladies


recently ive been challenged by a good friend to a 1500 pts battle....


now whats the problem i hear you cry, well, i consists of 100% terminators



so how would i combat this with either a marine or chaos army, and what would i use in said army.





Cpt X

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Terminators only as opponent?


Field plas and meltas and powerweapons. Use superior numbers in CC because termis are tough but he will have a low model count. So outnumbering is the way to go. perhaps take a vindy. Try to shoot down CC-Termis. Soften a target unit up with shooting before you assault.

The problem is, you will not know where he will strike with his deepstriking termis. His problem is, the effective killrange of his termis is 24" or shorter. Thats vindy/plas/MM range.


Mobile meltas/plas are good. Think about bikes, assaultbikes and speeder.

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I've recently went up against a Death Wing deepstriking army, so I more or less know what to expect.


Wait for him to drop, run like hell then hit him from a far. After you've weakoned those units charge in your power swords.


Don't rely on Boltguns to do the job, I've had 2X 10 man tactical squads fail to kill a single terminator, and killing 2 terminators with one tactical squad at most. So taking weapons that bypass termie saves like plasma or melta will help.


You should expect at least one of his terminator squads to take a banner that increases his attacks by 1+, so I'd reckonmend staying away or else you're looking at terminators with 5 attacks per model when charging.


A captain with relic blade really makes the modal the bane of terminators. I had one on a bike and he ate 5 man squads for breakfast.


Be wary of death wing armies that have bikes in them since they can Scout. There's nothing stopping them from scouting with melta bombs into your tanks on first turn. Also my Death Wing opponant uses bikes with drop beacons to safely land deepstriking terminators.


remember that Dark Angel Storm Shields confer a 4+ save, not 3+ like our codex.


I think this is all that I learned, hope I've helped.


(Btw I lost that deathwing match, but I like to think you learn more by losing :))

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Just pack into your army as many ap1 and ap2 weapons as you can, like plasma guns, plasma cannons and meltaguns. Power swords, power fists and equivilants will be handy but you will want to avoid assault. IMO a Vindicator (or 2) will be helpful with its ap2 large blast. Plasma Cannons are also the bane of terminator sqauds, especially if he deepstrikes but doesn't run. Try to avoid combat unless you vastly outnumber him. Might want to consider a Dreadnought with plasma cannon as well, more reliable than an infantry model, but then beware chainfists and power fists.
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I'd pretty much echo everything the other posters said. For the most part, Plasma Cannons are extremely nasty against any Terminators, as well as Demolishers. Ironclad Dreads can also reap a nasty toll in early rounds against Termies, though they'll falter against TH/SS units.


It isn't generally necessary to custom build an army to deal with Deathwing forces, though. I find in many cases, dealing with large numbers of 2+ save models is actually easier with massed firepower. Generally, I tend to prefer forcing lots of saves over trying to punch through the armor, and in this effect units such as Dakkapreds and TFC can actually be more effective. In general, I find that Mathhammer does not hold up in practice with Termies; ie. if you force 3 saves on them you'll find most opponents will roll at least a single 1, and if you force 5 or more saves it's not uncommon to see several ones in the stack. Given that they should technically only fail 1 out of 6 normal armor saves, this trend can really help to whittle down what might at first seem like an indestructible force.


I have also been on the receiving end of this tactic, with Tau players dropping successive rounds of Pulse Rifle fire to deplete my Terminator Squads. It should be noted in these cases that I'm usually playing C:SM, however, and can't do the Termie target saturation that a true Deathwing army can.

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If I'm not mistaken, plasma guns and cannons are actually quite expensive in a regular codex army (seeing as you need to get the 10 man squad to get a plasma gun or plasma cannon) so you probably wouldn't be able to pack that many in a 1500 point list (I suppose you could use bike squads since they can pack 2 each but that would be more expensive). Easier to pack the plasma in a chaos army.


Though I suppose you could go with 5 man squads with Razorbacks packing the LC/PGx2 turret or even the basic HBx2 turret. Mass of fire works much better in reliably taking down terminators than a few AP1-2 shots. I've had it happen several times where I would make my invulnerable saves only to have the terminator fail a regular save. Keep in mind that depending on the squad make up, one could abuse the wound allocation rule and pile all the AP1-2 shots on the same model.


Vindicators and other pie plates are always scary but I'll take my chance on the scatter. Depending on your opponent's play style your vindicator could risk demolishing your own units if it scatters badly. One game my opponent dropped an orbital strike on my terminators after they dropped but it scattered and annihilated most of his assault squad that was supposed to clean up my squad.


Dreads should also be careful as any good DW player will have a chainfist in each squad and those tend to cause problems for any armoured vehicle.


If your opponent is going 100% terminators then you could just take bikes and other fast moving units and run circles around them with PGs and twin-linked bolters to whittle his numbers down, then use a tooled command squad to clean up the remnants. Your superior toughness should be able to overcome what shooting the terminators have and you can claim objectives much easier if you roll an objective mission.


Just be careful he doesn't pull a mechanized DW out of his hat as then your plasma would be utterly useless so pack a few melta guns or melta bombs just in case.

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If I'm not mistaken, plasma guns and cannons are actually quite expensive in a regular codex army (seeing as you need to get the 10 man squad to get a plasma gun or plasma cannon) so you probably wouldn't be able to pack that many in a 1500 point list (I suppose you could use bike squads since they can pack 2 each but that would be more expensive). Easier to pack the plasma in a chaos army.


Not neccesarily. A 5 man Sternguard unit with 2x plasma cannons weighs in at 145 points if I'm not mistaken, enough to frighten any deep striking Termies who don't run. They also come loaded with special ammo that can wound on 2+ and help with causing mass wounds on a Terminator Squad.


I will agree with both Deathwing and Vel'Cona here in that mass fire can have the desired effect on wiping out Terminators, I myself experiencing it after a Sternguard unit with 2 heavy flamers killed 4 Terminators out of a 5 man squad.

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Not neccesarily. A 5 man Sternguard unit with 2x plasma cannons weighs in at 145 points if I'm not mistaken, enough to frighten any deep striking Termies who don't run. They also come loaded with special ammo that can wound on 2+ and help with causing mass wounds on a Terminator Squad.


I will agree with both Deathwing and Vel'Cona here in that mass fire can have the desired effect on wiping out Terminators, I myself experiencing it after a Sternguard unit with 2 heavy flamers killed 4 Terminators out of a 5 man squad.


Ah, I overlooked the Sternguard. With them though it would be more useful to use full squads rapid firing hellfire ammo to force an ungodly amount of armour saves (just remember to keep shooting until the unit is fully dead). A full naked squad weighs in at about the same price as a DW squad and can outshoot them at 12", you could sprinkle a few combi-weapons to flavour (points allowing). Combine with other elements in your army (i.e.assaulty stuff) and you're good to go.

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1500 points vs all termies? If you want to be REALLY mean give this a try.


librarian w/ null zone & lightning fingers (or whatever it's called)

10 tac marines w/ plasma gun, plasma cannon, power weapon

10 tac marines w/ plasma gun, plasma cannon, power weapon

10 tac marines w/ plasma gun, plasma cannon, power weapon

razorback w/ lascannon & plasma gun

razorback w/ lascannon & plasma gun

razorback w/ lascannon & plasma gun





That leaves you with 200+ points left over. To be honest, don`t run this list unless you want to absolutely crush him, in which case he will not be happy. If you do want to crush him, use this.

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THANKS ever so much guys...this has been really usefull


so over all things that should be considered are:


- high weight of fire compared to models in his army

- a dash of armour ignoring weapons

- a tooled out command squad with power weapons

- high speed movement



If you all would like..... i could come back after having played the game with a review of what was effective and what wasnt.




Cpt X

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