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legion of the damed free hand

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Yeah like the sergeant, he looks like a normal marine, they all look like marine w/Hot Rod flames. For the skinface throw some green wash and stuff on there and make some creepy ghostly eyes that'd look BA!


although I admit from a distance they do look like LotD :)


Maybe freehand some skulls on their helmets, I know their helmets are already skull looking but just give them that extra push, think Death Korps of Krieg masks

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heydudes sorry thecamera is new and i aint used it before just to let you know that the skin and armour on the guys was done to neer white althigh i think rotting flesh made an apperance. i do know what you mean about the skull thing but i noticed that all marines have atleast a small skull on them some-where so i tried to make them skull free i think i willplay with some imperial fists for my next task when i have finished these but still please dont stop giving me ideas its a big help
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