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anti grey knight list


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Im going to be playing a few games aginst GKs soon and i want to create a strong force. here is my army so far:

Pedro kantor

Chaplain w jump pack and plasma pistol

Tacticle w ML, flamer and melta bombs

Rhino w SB and extra armour

10 scouts w heavy bolter

5 scouts w snipers

sternguard w melta gun and combi plasma

razorback w lascannon, extra armour and dozer blade

10 termis w 2 ac

dreadnought w PC and ML

10 assault marines w 2 plasma pistols and a PF

Vindicator w SB and siege shield

Thanks in advance

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As a GK player, I have toughest time dealing with multiple enemy Dreadnoughts, with the Blood Angel's Death Company Furioso at the top of my list of priority targets. Assault cannons are your friends, as they will chew up Land Raiders and power armour alike and their 24" is the range GK's are most effective in. Assault Marines are a bane to PAGK, due to the huge number of attacks they get versue the average amount of attacks PAGK get. And finally, Lightning Claws will shred virtually any GKT unit if both are on a equal footing.


That said, your Vindicator will be lucky to make its own points back before its turned to wreckage if your GK opponent is on his game. The reason for this is that if the Vindicator can direct fire on a Land Raider, the Land Raider must have wasted a turn or two allowing it to get into range. And if the Vindicator can barrage, chances are better than even that the blast template will drift off of the Land Raider's hull for a AV14 side hit at half-strength.


Your advantage over any GK army is numbers; you have more Marines on average in each unit than any GK player could field at the same point total, your vehicles are cheaper, and you can tailor your build to defeat any specific army while the GK player has no choice but to generalize his/her build in order to get the most out of his/her army build.


Which means that your opponent should be worried about you, and not the other way around.




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Thanks for the help :P it sounds good ;) im dropping my vindicator, sniper scouts and four assault marines to take:

five vanguard vetrens w jump packs and 2 power fists, 2 power weapons 1 storm shield, 1 plasma pistol and 1 combat shield

do you think thats to expensive for its worth?

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HQ total 310

pedro 175

jump pack chaplain 135

Elites total 590

sternguard 135

razorback 95

dreadnought 125

terminators 235

Troops total 380

tacticle squad 175

rhino 60

scouts 145

Fast attack total 433

assault squad 158

vanguard 275 (im thinking thats to much)

Total 1713

im not going 2 fill out those points untill im sure about the vanguard

i hope that helped ;)

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im going to take the above list minus the vanguard and the chainfist and add in five more termis w an assault cannon and take the assault marines back up to 10 w another plasma pistol. If anyone can see a problem/improvement im open to advise :huh:

@jeffersonian thanks for the advise im going to use as much of it as i can with my current models

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A 10-man Assault Marine squad is killer verus GK's, while tactical termies are probably your best option if you do not have a Land Raider to deliver assault termies in. I'd say try it out and post back what you found that worked and you found that didn't.



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I played my first game against the gk and lost.

We ran out of time in turn 4 with him winning 4:3 killpoints. however he didnt use many GK but used alot of inducted marines and said that he had lots of guard infantry.

Im not sure what to take other than a whirlwind, a pie plate wounding on twos with no armour sv is a definate for me :(

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