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{ARTWORK} Glory and Honor

Mr. Nipples

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Something seems too "right" to me. Maybe his face is too symetrical, or what have you. But something just doesn't seem very appealing to me. Maybe his face? Give it a more animated look or something, some emotion in him couldn't hurt could it?


Still a nice piece though :)

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I think this is a magnificent piece of work, though I can't say I'm happy with his ears. The coloring seems to detract from the gritty and realistic rendering of his face, and makes the ears look like they've been surgically removed from a body and attached to another. Other than that, I like this very much and wish you the best of luck with the Black Library. Hopefully we see your artwork gracing the cover of future novels to come! ;)
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SGTNACHO- I tweeaked the eyes, but I wanted a marine staring forward at attention. Something that could be used in a codex or a cover. my next piece i plan is going to be an battle of some kind, prolly some Khorne marines.


Darth Potato-I took your adviced and darkened the ears a bit, but I didnt want them to dark as they are getting a pretty serious lighting from the iron halo. Let me know what you think now.



thanks everyone for the help and C@C its defnitley made it better ;)

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This is for sure a quality piece of Artwork.


As said before there is something with the face thats hard to describe. To me he looks like he is suffering, or has some emotional disbalance at he moment, or experiences somthing he has never doen before and doesnt quite know how to handle it.

Well something with this face is wrong. Technicaly awsome though.


The other thing that doesnt fit for me is that peace of cloth around his armour. His face is sharp and crisp, the armor is too but the cloth is not. Why is it that way?

That the Halo has a shimmering effect is self explanatory but the shimmering effect of the cloth doesnt make sense to me.


Last but may be important. The armor is by far to clean. I dont think of dirt or battle damage but of ornaments we all know and love. Skulls, runes etc.


Keep up your great work.



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Naysmith-the orignal Idea was to show a marine proud and at attention but at the same time semi disturbed. traumatized maybe.


The cloth and around the body was blurred to do a sort of rack focus, it was a secondary additon more to just try and get peoples opinion. If it doesnt go over well with people it will go back to the way it was.


as for runes and skulls etc it crossed my mind but this was yet again a generic marine, so i wanted to keep him semi generic looking as he could be from just about any chapter.


Thanks sir for the input hope that clears it up.


Heres the original, I prefer the crispier version below but everyone give me your input.



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Naysmith-the orignal Idea was to show a marine proud and at attention but at the same time semi disturbed. traumatized maybe.


The cloth and around the body was blurred to do a sort of rack focus, it was a secondary additon more to just try and get peoples opinion. If it doesnt go over well with people it will go back to the way it was.


as for runes and skulls etc it crossed my mind but this was yet again a generic marine, so i wanted to keep him semi generic looking as he could be from just about any chapter.


Thanks sir for the input hope that clears it up.


Heres the original, I prefer the crispier version below but everyone give me your input.




I'll second you on this one. I prefer that one as well. The shadows on the face of the first one make him look lopsided - or possibly he's gurning! The second pic does look a lot cleaner - more battle hardened yet pure Space Marine.


Fantastic work anyway!

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looks really good - certainly could never draw anything like it myself.


as for comments:


the robe seems to fall where his shoulders should be - where are the shoulder pads? it looks like he's wearing the chest plate but not these. based on the widdth of the face i'd expect to see these on the edges of the pic.


this one is personal preference. the aquilla is too bright and detracts from the face/halo. it also makes it hard to see the curve of the armor at the neck so makes the whole fron t look a little flat.



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Technically, amazing work. Love the damage/detail on the armour & eagle. Fluff wise, this guy looks old/important enough to have a service stud over his eye. But thats not really important and as you stated you were going for more of a generic marine look.


The more and more I look at it, the more lopsided the left eye looks. Maybe im seeing things, my head is probly tilted while im looking at it. But regardless, nice work.

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I wouldn't mind a service stud or two on his brow. After all this Space Marine is a veteran of the Chapter if he's able to wear an iron halo into battle, and the studs signify service to the Chapter.

Not all chapters do service studs and the ones that do aren't always consistent with the awarding of them. Perhaps he's from a chapter that eschews a lot of the decoration that other chapters put on their armor.


Now that I think of it I wonder if that would make for an interesting or boring themed army. Filing of a lot of the details like skulls, purity seals, etc.

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the second one for sure

the face is superb


but the coat is too out of focus on the first,

i think that the eagle on his chest looks too geometric, it is the only part of the artwork that is made of straight lines and it looks out of place, the chest looks too flat too, maybe its just the eagle isnt curved enough

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I think its very well done first and foremost, VERY WELL


But I think there is something about the face - he almost looks amused, as if he is day dreaming during a breifing and has remembered a long-buried hilarious thought and is trying to hide the smile from his face, personalyl I tink he should look a little more mean /ruggen, perhaps a slight frown or at least more menacign eyebrows


I think the problem is facially, he doesnt actually look like a spacemarine, barring the tattoo his head would not look out of place on the shoulders of an Indian or Tibetan monk


I do agree that the cloak is a bit too out of focus aswell


I know that sounds like a lot of crit :woot: but I think it is REALLY well done


I'd go so far as to say should I EVER, EVER getting round to writing my own chapters codex, I'd request you to do a few peices of artowork for it (itd be commision of course <_< )

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I believe there are very nice things with this piece, but also quite a few things that need some re-working since you are using this for your portfolio in a work application.


First of all, go with the version in focus. Then, there aren’t many things giving away that this is a guy from future devoted to the arts of war. I think, especially since it’s a piece for gw, that you need something more giving away that he is a marine…like maybe moving the halo a bit up (possibly making it smaller in the process?) and filling that space with a backpack. Maybe some studs on the neckguard (is it called that for the throat as well?) to make that area a bit more interesting. I don’t know, but the armour is a little bland at the moment.


Hope you don’t take any offence or anything (who knows, maybe it’s a self portrait or something :woot: )…but I find him a bit feminine. And I think it’s the mouth that needs re-working. Right now, the colour makes it look almost as if he is wearing lipstick. Maybe it’s because of that dark shadow on the lower lip. I think you need to look at the shape and possibly the size of his mouth as well. It’s a bit to even and especially that lower lip needs a small curve (…hope you can make out what I mean by this drawing. It isn’t all that easy to explain things in another language)




For other details, I think a small shadow on the white of his eyes could make them look a bit more natural since you already have lots of shadows at that area.




Personally I’m not fond of the background colour. I’d go for something else, maybe blue or something, that way you could bring out the ears which should be more red with a glow from behind.


Hope you don’t feel like I’m bashing you, because I really like your work in general and I have my fingers crossed you make it through. But I do think you need to look over this piece again. It sure got potential as there are some very nice things with this piece. Like the uneven shape of his bare head. That’s just gorgeous! A very keen observation. Also, I like the halo and I think the texture on most things are captured very well, like on the silky cloth and the texture on his face.


Cheers, and good luck!

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Well damn that got a lot of replies.


First let me say thank you tremendously, being that I am applying I wanted as much Crit as possible. I have decided to one rework the armor completley, and actually make him to some faction of space marine. Possibly an inqusitor or an IRON hand? I need some input as to what faction, and what to give him for chains purity seals etc.


Desert Eagle-I concur does make sense, I think Im gonna give this dude a gigantic scar on his face. but at the same time Ill take what you said into account with the eyes etc. I plan to keep the iron halo but I will size it down.


I cant half ass this its gotta be spot on so like I said anyone that has anything to say about it dotn worry of offending me I want the best for this piece.


Thanks again guys this is why I come here because everyone is always so helpful. Keep up the C@C

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WEll i have decided to go big rather then go home.


this will be the semi final compostion, this marine amoung many at attention.




I am prepared for the many hours in which this will take from me but i feel it will be better. btw, im thinkin iron hands.


let me know what everyone things and or the opinons im gonna start the background first so i can change stuff for a little bit if you guys have input.

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I think the Iron Hands are a good choice, and I'm glad you've decided to elaborate more on your original piece. However, at the moment he doesn't scream Iron Hands to me. He looks far more like a Black Templar than anything, especially with those chained necklaces.
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I don't think you need all those dudes in the background, I think you should try to stay focused on the Marine himself. I know that too much can be bad, very bad. I am a victim of too muchedness.


Maybe if you want alot of cool background stuff, you could have him standing in an armory, with all sorts of helmets, bolter, and other weapons and stuff lining the walls in a Halo 2 fashion ;) You don't want that much of his neck to be showing, the neck guard is supposed to do that, guard your neck. It can't do that if your whole neck is popping out.


Instead of just a red eye, I'd say just give him one big sensor implant. Make him all borgalicious :D If you do stay with the mechanical eye, maybe don't make it very luminescent so you can see the eye itself not just a red dot where his eye should be.


As far as chapter goes, just please for the love of all that is sacred, don't make him an ultrasmurf! I did think it was an inquisitor with the first picture, he was lacking the big pads and the backpack, so I got the not space marine vibe.


its yourwork, do what you feel is right. Good luck to you man, I hope we all get to see your work some day very soon!

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