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IG Static Defense

Brother Selacuos

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A friend of mine frequently plays imperial guard and I have been having trouble destroying his leman russ's, namely the battle tank. any suggestions?


Step 1: Use Ironclad with Drop Pod

Step 2: Deepstrike MM Landspeeders

Step 3: ???

Step 4: Profit


Pretty much any deepstriker with meltas/MMs will make short work of LRBTs. A drop pod of SGVs with combi-meltas will make short work of a LR squadron.

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Hmm well there's a lot of good anti-tank options for C:SM, but one of the biggest factors that keeps them from working is that 75% of them revolve around Meltaguns in close. This normally isn't a big deal, but IG can throw so many dudes on the table (and should) that they can screen three or more large tanks with enough guys to physically prevent you from dropping close enough to endanger them in this way.


Normally, I would suggest Sternguard DP with Melta spam, but the previously mentioned problem exists. Another option is Attack Bikes/Landspeeders with MM, but the infantry net still prevents them from getting as close as you'd like and AV14 front makes the big tanks a real chore, even for S8 AP1. MotF with a Conversion Beamer can put down Russ' at extreme range, but can also be nullified somewhat quickly by the return fire from the campy gunline.


I think it becomes clear from this concept that shooting isn't really the best way to deal with the heavy tanks. In general, Meltabomb equipped Sergeants in fast moving squads (Assault Marines, Tac Marines in transports) can handle them if they can get close enough, as well as anything with a Power Fist or Thunder Hammer (Termies, Sergeants, ICs). The infantry screen is still a pain, but really most C:SM players are slowly starting to realize that the IG army completely sucks in close combat. Therefore, the best way to nullify the advantage of the big tanks is to get in their face. If they do a campy infantry screen, run everything you can right up front and get them in CC as soon as possible. Many players will make the point that you'll get chewed up following your consolidation, but if you remember to use your multiple combats rule to the fullest against tightly packed defenders, you can work to stop shooting from multiple units at once. Another good thing to remember is that once you're in combat, you can't get shot. So the tank is basically sitting there waiting for the Guardsmen to fall back. Try to use your consolidate move (as well as your Pile In) to stay as close as possible to his guys. If he decides to drop down with his big Blast markers, he has a pretty good chance of miffing it and roasting his own guys, though he'll lose less he'll still take damage and this serves to mitigate whatever effect his shooting might have.


In this light, Mech armies are definitely a way to go against IG. DP are a quite a bit less effective, thanks to the Master of the Fleet and the infantry screen, but a Drop Pod Dread or two can be quite nasty, especially the Ironclad. Also, remember to take advantage of Reserves if possible, especially in transports, since you can use them to grab objectives in crucial lategame. This gives you the option to nab objectives (in the missions that require them) and lessen the impact your opponent can have by physically limiting the number of turns he can shoot at your stuff. Against campy IG, his lack of mobility can actually be a crucial liability in this regard.

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I have to echo the meltabomb idea. Heck, even a round of krak grenades can pop a LRMBT. Hop an assault squad over there, or drive your troops across the field at it and charge! The trick is getting through that wall of flesh to be able to do so. You can stomp the guts out of basic infantry platoons with your tacticals, you just have to make sure the Russ didn't drive away while you were squishing Guardsman heads.
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When I play against IG with some tanks I make sure I get as fast as I can to his line.

This way when he shoots his battlecanon he got a big chance of scttering into his own troops or you get into close combat as fast as you can.

The IG go down pretty fast against Marines in combat this way He cant shoot you and you are free to put pressure on the tank with other units who can shoot him down.


I use a Bike squad of six Bikes, Attack Bike, with two Meltas, Multi Melta and a Power Fist Sarge to take the tank down if for some reason the Meltas fail.

Yesterday I played two games against IG with Russes and Basalisks and I took them out for two games with the Bikers.


But getting close or in close combat is the biggest advantage you can get against them im my opinion.

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I play my mates IG a lot and can concur with the "get in quick" strategy. In addition to this I like to take a number of anti-armour options and drop pod my way in.


I have a 1250 pt force including three drop pods, two dreads and a Whirlwind. Turn 1 the two dreads drop as near to his tank as possible and flame/shoot the troops near it (he usually has loads of meltas that get fried at this point). I also have a Land Raider Crusader on its way and the Whirlwind firing at his troops. I have found that even when the dreads have been unable to get a shot off at the LR they have done so much damage that the other units arriving shortly will be able to finish the job.


Tac Sqds with PFs are coming in later incase all else fails.


In general I am aiming to concentrate my attack on one flank and threaten his tank. Attacking one flank tends to force him to bunch up which makes great killing for the artillery.


It has been working pretty well in annihalation

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Attack Bikes with Multimeltas- if you both deploy 12" you can be at 12" first turn for a true melta shot. If not you can turboboost to cover and then pop out turn 2 to kill them dead.


Side Armor shots are also great, spread your HS out a bit and cross fire. AV 12 and 13 are obviously easier to kill than AV 14.


Command Squad: three Meltaguns, three stormshields, drop pod, one Powerfist....250pts. Between 3++&4+ you and the cover provided by a recked LR and DP you should be able to survive tell the next turn and then either assault or do it again. Much more likely to take out 1-3 tanks than a landraider. You can even add in a combiflamer if you so choose to help with Anti-Infantry duties.

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If your all cool with FW rules :) then Deathstorm drop pods + Ironclads in drop pods.


Deathstorms will help clear out the squishy stuff that will bog down your dreadnought and the dreadnought can take a pop at the tanks (and if all the tanks die) it may even be able to kill a guard or 2.

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Haha you start bringing the Deathstorm Drop Pods he'll want to take his Malcador or Bane Blade. That's a dangerous road to travel mate :P


I would say that things with structure points are different ;) but I would say go for it :) and remember u can still take out super heavies with 1 lascannon shot :huh:

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I have been having some good success with Landspeeder Storm based scouts. They are beautiful when you get first turn against normal tanks but against Vehicle Squadrons they are going to wreck face. Arm your Sergeant with either a power fist or power weapon, combi melta and melta bombs.



If you dont get first turn you can always keep them for outflanking moves or if you are feeling reckless 24" them in the Scout move and hope that your 4+ cover save is going to take a lot of the fire for you.


I would usually arm this with a multi melta but I think against IG I would be tempted to run Heavy Flamer to roast some infantry whilst the Scouts get on with dealing death to the tanks.


You can always use them to engage a unit in CC. Their increased toughness, Strength, Armour, Initiative and attacks should give them the edge required to put some serious hurt.



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Listen to Vel'Cona. If your opponent's IG infantry are on the table, run up, assault a few squads at once if possible (ideally two, focusing most of your squad's attacks against just one), and keep yourself stuck in over the IG shooting phase. Played well, this should mean that the infantry screen just evaporated, leaving the enemy tanks open to melta shots while sparing you a lot of return fir


If, on the other hand, the IG player mechs up, the infantry screen doesn't exist. This list will probably have lots of meltas itself. Watch out for a Valk Alpha Strike by screening your more valuable vehicles (prevent the vets hopping out of Valks from getting within 6" of your vehicles and you're golden). Traditional melta tactics should work just fine here. Kill the mobility of the threats (popping the LRBTs and the transports). And as always against mech, concentrate fire. Nuke the transport, and have another squad on hand to deal with the near-full-strength squad inside.

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