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Truescaled Deathwatch Kill-Team.

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I'm working on creating a Kill-Team of truescaled Deathwatch alongside my other projects. I'm doing this with an eye towards the movie marine rules - I'd like to do a sort of 300-esque "Holding the Hot Gates" scenario against an army of Orks. It could be very cool!


At the moment due to a lack of parts I've worked on two of the squad - a Sword Bearer with bolter and a Black Templar with flamer.









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Ok, I'll bite. How did you do that amazing heavy flamer? It looks brilliant.


I am assuming that you are going to play them as Sternguard? One of my next projects will be a DW team, but they'll be standin's for SG and they will be somewhat lacking in stature compared to yours.


I am a Death Watch groupie, so please do proceed, I am extremely interested in seeing how these work out.



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Some very nice conversions there. One small point though, the arms look too short and skinny. Maybe consider using Terminator arms. They should give you the length and proportion to the legs.
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I dont think you should change to termi arms, but they could stand to be elongated with some plasticard in the joints.


looks awesome btw. how do you plan on interpreting the flamer rules for movie marines?

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Hey guys, sorry for the slow response. I think truescaling is ultimately a matter of opinion. First of all, you need to be of the opinion that truescaling is required - that is, that the Space Marine models are deficient in some way. Because I'm due to be embarking upon a 28mm Inquisitor campaign, I thought it necessary for the Space Marines to be truer to the background - whereas in 40k they're somewhat "representative" pieces.


There's a lot of different methods to achieve a truer-scaled Space Marine. Some people put plasticard spacers everywhere, others don't. I originally stuck very close to Apologist's methods - on his truescaled Ultramarines, he used Terminator arms, and I quite like what he achieved with them, but I found them unwieldy and awkward to work with from a modelling perspective. I then found Shas'el Tael's method which results in models like this. I liked the effect. I think the effect's been exaggerated in some of my photographs - I'm not the most accomplished photographer, but I also think that the "bottom heavy" look helps the Space Marines seem lumbering, heavily-armoured and very dangerous. It also helps remove the air of terminator armour from them, I think - because that's quite top-heavy.


I can understand why people might think of the "tyrannosaurus effect", but I think it works for me, it provides me with greater modelling opportunities, and I don't think it'll distract that much from the finished product. The Sword Bearer's currently away being painted by Midian, but hopefully I'll be able to continue with this Kill-Team whilst I find spare Terminator parts lying around.


Thank you for all the comments, though - I really, really appreciate them. :devil:


Honda: The Heavy Flamer itself is from the Sentinel, but I used a mix of parts. The backpack and fuel hose are obviously from the multi-melta. The right arm is from the tactical squad, the left arm is from the devastator squad (it's for a lascannon, I think) with a hand from a Chaos sword and a chainsword pommel, obviously. Hope that helps! :)


As for the squad, I could play them as Sternguard, but they might look distracting in an army of normal-scaled Marines! I'm considering using them in a game of Space Hulk using Inquisitor rules! That could be fun. Also, as I said in my first post I'm seriously considering a Kill-Team of Movie Marines going up against an Apocalypse army of Orks... now that could be a fun Battle Report!


For my ordinary Castigators army, I am slowly working on a DWKT to run as Sternguard; I really think the Sternguard rules are a brilliant opportunity to include the Deathwatch. I consider myself a fan too!


Rahveel: I haven't given it much thought, honestly! I'm just making models that I think look cool. :)




Now, I'm trying to consider which Chapters to include... I'd really like to make an awesome Space Shark...

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Ah, thank you for explaining the "tyrannosarus" effect. The description is appropriate, but all I could think of was "big head, lots of teeth", which didn't quite fit in with what I was seeing.


I like the leg heavy approach. A future project of mine is to do a true scale project for Pre-Heresy Alpha Legion ('cause they are really still loyal to the Emperor :) ) and this approach greatly simplifies the modeling aspect.


I think the bottom line is that there are multiple ways to approach TS, find the method you prefer and be consistent across the range of figures it will apply and go for it. You can't go wrong.


Also thanx for the explanation of the Heavy flamer. It looks ace and I shall look into my sentinel boxes with renewed interest!



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Very nice work mate. I really like the bare head guy, great positioning and the heavy flamer guy is brilliant.


Great choice of deathwatch marines as well, they work perfectly for kill teams and the apoc scenario sounds like a brilliant idea!


How many you making?

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  • 2 months later...

Just browsing around and caught your topic. To be honest I normally just skip TS threads as I know I wouldn't have the patience to do a TS army - hell, I take long enough just doing my own. But...these are really well done and totally loving the heavy flamer dude.


(as I don't play often can some quickly p.m me about 'Kill team' and 'Movie Marines)


How many are you planning on doing and for fear of sounding stupid, what options are there for transport?? i am sure they would dwarf an already small Rhino


Keep it up and will be following with much interest



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  • 1 month later...
Just browsing around and caught your topic. To be honest I normally just skip TS threads as I know I wouldn't have the patience to do a TS army - hell, I take long enough just doing my own. But...these are really well done and totally loving the heavy flamer dude.


(as I don't play often can some quickly p.m me about 'Kill team' and 'Movie Marines)


How many are you planning on doing and for fear of sounding stupid, what options are there for transport?? i am sure they would dwarf an already small Rhino


Keep it up and will be following with much interest




DGC, apologies for responding to this thread after such a long absence: Kill-Teams are squads of Deathwatch, the Order Militant of the Ordo Xenos. Drawn from veterans of many other Chapters, the Deathwatch stand ready to combat the alien menace. (Kill-Team was also a 40k variant in 4th Edition 40k, but that's not what this refers to.) Movie Marines are another story - a list written by Pete Haines to represent Marines if they were the protagonists of a film. A squad of ten Marines costs over 1000 points! Suitably hardcore to represent the Deathwatch in a special scenario, I think. :)


I'm planning on doing ten Marines; I'm currently in the process of narrowing down Chapters that'll feature eventually. I am considering a "biggerised" Rhino, but it's something that I'll have to give greater consideration... Anyway, you guys may have seen the first completed Marine:









On the ideas front, I've been working on the Space Sharks. The Sharks are a Chapter I've always enjoyed. I worked on an Index Astartes article with Captain_Tiberius, and this is a great opportuity to tick several boxes. It pays tribute to Tiberius, it uses a Chapter that I enjoy, and it's also a relatively obscure Chapter when compared to the First Founding Legions.


I've used this artwork by Tiberius to provide me with some inspiration:





My plan is to contrast the baroque and Imperial elements of the Astartes with the slightly more primal elements of Tethyian society incorporated into the Sharks. I'd like to incorporate the facial tattoos used on the Gears of War 2 character Tai Kaliso:




In order to do that, there's a nice new head on the Wolf Guard sprues (this pic's taken from the painted Space Wolves by Spikyjames:)




I'd also like to include a Shark Tooth Necklace. Tiberius has done them before on his models:




Although I might not use the exact same method, I think it would look pretty neat.


So, alongside the Space Shark, I'll probably be making my Space Wolf, as the two of them will be using components from the same boxes. In the meantime, here's a quick and random workspace snap:




And lastly, some WIP shots of my Kill-Team Sergeant:






My plan for this guy is to be an Ultramarine. I know they're much maligned, but I've always been a fan, and the reputation of the Ultramarines does carry great weight within much of the Astartes. (Or if you prefer it another way, it's natural for the Ultramarines to tell other Space Marines what to do!)


The head comes from this old model, stuck at the bottom of my bitzbox:




It's the Sergeant from the second edition 40k starter box. I thought it fitting for such a hallowed veteran to step out of the shadows and back onto the battlefields!

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That Sword Bearer looks very nice. What ever happened to their fluff? I seem to remember you and Midian developing some, but I can't recall seeing anything concrete.


This squad will look very impressive when it's finished, I'm sure of it. I love the ideas of the Space Shark, and if you can pull him off he will look badass. There's a lot of personality in these models, even the ultra guy looks like an ultra guy. A space wolf guy would spruce things up nicely.

Have you thought about adding a Salamander, or maybe that would be too many first foundings in one squad? There's a lot of modeling opportunity there.

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Well, as you may have noticed, I don't really frequent the Liber these days too much! Midian and I have worked a bit on Sword Bearers fluff, but we've both been busy with various projects. His Death Guard are expanding rapidly, and I've been working on 28mm Inquisitor.


With regards to the Chapters of origin, it's somewhat of a delicate balance. I don't want my team to become "The First Founding Legions Club" like so many other Deathwatch Kill-Teams do, but then I don't want to choke it full of DIY Chapters because then it becomes somewhat obscure. I think it's important that I can play somewhat with established archetypes - archetypes that people will recognise and that will evoke instant reactions from other people. Midian is keen for the flamer Marine to be a Salamander, but I'm somewhat unsure.


I've narrowed down somewhat the Chapters that'll likely make up the team; I expect that this might change later depending on bitz availability, circumstances and whims, but here goes:


- Ultramarines

- Castigators

- Space Wolves

- Space Sharks

- Sword Bearers

- Iron Snakes

- Black Consuls

- Crimson Fists

- Scythes of the Emperor

- Blood Angels

- Lamenters


Of course, there are eleven Chapters in there, when I only really need ten; difficult decisions ahead!

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I cant wait to see what you do with the Space Shark, I've always thought that one would make an interesting addition to a Deathwatch Killteam. I dont know if you've decided on his pose yet, but taking inspiration from Capt. Tiberius work, I believe a serrated knife, perhaps modified from the scout sprues, would be in order.


As to the chapters that make up your squad, I would say drop either the Lamenters or Scythes. I'd go for dropping the Lamenters since they would be likely to be severely distrusted after the Badab War, barely 100 years ago and like the Scythes devestated by the Tyranid. But then again the Scythes are severely depleted, would they be able to spare a brother to the Deathwatch?


Just my two cents worth, hope it helps some how. Hope to see you back around the Liber one day.

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I cant wait to see what you do with the Space Shark, I've always thought that one would make an interesting addition to a Deathwatch Killteam. I dont know if you've decided on his pose yet, but taking inspiration from Capt. Tiberius work, I believe a serrated knife, perhaps modified from the scout sprues, would be in order.


As to the chapters that make up your squad, I would say drop either the Lamenters or Scythes. I'd go for dropping the Lamenters since they would be likely to be severely distrusted after the Badab War, barely 100 years ago and like the Scythes devestated by the Tyranid. But then again the Scythes are severely depleted, would they be able to spare a brother to the Deathwatch?


Just my two cents worth, hope it helps some how. Hope to see you back around the Liber one day.


Whilst the Lamenters would still have somewhat of a stigma since the Badab War, they have experience against the Tyranids. When the Deathwatch were first introduced, the articles mentioned that Kill-Teams comprised of Ultramarines, Scythes and Lamenters were striking at the Tyranids. Plus, I love the idea of taking the galaxy's most unlucky Space Marine Chapter and putting one of their Marines on the battlefield. Will he stay true to form and tack a Stompa's rocket to the face? Or will he defy the odds and see the end of the battle?


(He should just count himself lucky I'm not giving him a plasma weapon...)


As for the Scythes, I think a hardbitten veteran of Sotha would be very cool. They're a Chapter I really like, plus they have extensive experience against aliens, so it fits really.


Blood angels ;)


Great models Mol!


I love the Flamer guy as well!



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Keep the Scythes and the Lamenters they are both awesome chapters with alot of background to build on. They don't get the same attention as other chapters when it comes to people playing them probably due to the difficulty in painting yellow. Also nice to see that you will include the Space Sharks. Sad that you dropped the Black Templar from your list but then if you take a Librarian in the squad there will be a bitter hatred and distrust from him... but then that would create another layer of interest to the squad.


As for Scythes even though they have limited numbers... this could be a veteran sent out by the Chapter's Command as a way to train brothers of different chapters on how best to deal with a deadly foe and not under estimate the Tyranids threat.



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