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Kitting out a Command Squad


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Alright, right now I’m about to start putting together my Command Squad, but I’ve got 15 points left over, and need an opinion on how to spend it. This is the Captain and unit I’m planning on right now:


Captain-Power Weapon

Command Squad-2 Storm Shields, 2 Power Fists, Standard Bearer


Total: 365


I’d list all the possible options that can be bought for 15 points, but I don’t want to break forum rules. At the moment I’m thinking of going with either Artificer Armor for the Captain, a Melta and Flamer for the squad, or a Company Champion. What do you guys think?

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Personally I'd replace the Captain's power sword with a Relic Blade. This gives the ability to kill most infantry models on a 2+ in combat, and he can even threaten larger models such as MCs. IMHO, one of the best pieces of equipment you can give a Captain is the Relic Blade.
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I have a friend who has been running a command squad kiied out as


1 x apothecary

4 x veterans (Lightning claw, storm shield)

Razorback (TL assault cannon)


Its expensive for a 5 man squad, but I must say it does perform reliably and most ever what it hits dies.

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I'd go with the Relic Blade as well; it's what I plan to do.


Also, as it seems you know, the Standard Bearer can be equiped with a Powerfist. I'm going to build mine that way, and I'll probably be 'upgrading' my Champion with a Storm Shield as well, simply by spending another 15 points on him.


I haven't figured out how I want to equip the other two Vets, especially since the squad's already at 185. If it wasn't for the fact I want to put 'em all in a Razorback, I'd be better off with Terminators. I'm thinking of splurging another 30 points to get two more Storm Shields, just because I think it'd look cool to have three guys with shields escorting my Captain with his big Axe.

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I'd go with the Relic Blade as well; it's what I plan to do.


Also, as it seems you know, the Standard Bearer can be equiped with a Powerfist. I'm going to build mine that way, and I'll probably be 'upgrading' my Champion with a Storm Shield as well, simply by spending another 15 points on him.


I haven't figured out how I want to equip the other two Vets, especially since the squad's already at 185. If it wasn't for the fact I want to put 'em all in a Razorback, I'd be better off with Terminators. I'm thinking of splurging another 30 points to get two more Storm Shields, just because I think it'd look cool to have three guys with shields escorting my Captain with his big Axe.


If I havn't misinterpreted the rules, I understand that you cannot upgrade the Company Champion with a storm shield as it explicably states that only Veterans can take a storm shield, whereas the Company Champion no longer counts as a Veteran and has a seperate profile.

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Technically, what you would do is buy a Veteran a Storm Shield, then "upgrade a Veteran to Company Champion", which gives him a power weapon, combat shield, and WS5.


It would probably be silly to do that, though, since you'd be sacrificing a WS5 attack with the Storm Shield.

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Technically, what you would do is buy a Veteran a Storm Shield, then "upgrade a Veteran to Company Champion", which gives him a power weapon, combat shield, and WS5.


It would probably be silly to do that, though, since you'd be sacrificing a WS5 attack with the Storm Shield.


Quite clever to be honest, didn't think of that one. I wouldn't try that one myself though.


I'd agree with you though that it might be a bit silly to do that. Also, if you give 3 Storm Shields to the other Veterans then you can protect your Company Champion in combat from horrible weapons that allow a save. I'd agree that having 4 WS5 power weapon attacks on the charge can be quite potent against some enemies. Also, don't forget he has a combat shield, its saved my life against a Dread and a Khornate Lord in the past :P

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The main thing with outfitting your Command Squad is this: how does a Nob Biker Squad do it?


Still following along? Great! As I have been observing at my local store lately properly kitted Nob Bikers exploit a loop hole of sorts in the 5th Ed. rules that I have found Command Squads, more so Biker Command Squads, do even better than Nobz. All you have to do is vary the kit on each command squad trooper like so:



Veteran w/ Storm Shield and Thunder Hammer

Veteran w/ Storm Shield and Lightning Claw

Veteran w/ Storm Shield and Power Sword



And then make use of the 5th Ed. Wound Allocation rules to HUGELY up this units survivability. Take 4 Bolter shots and 2 Plasma Shots. Parcel out the wounds and put 2 of the plasma wounds for one of your Veterans to deal with preventing you from having to face two dead expensive units.


This is an addmittedly expensive unit BUT it features some of the traits that make Nob Bikers so scary as well as some features that they lack. Better basic Armor Save, better Invulnerable Save, and Better Initiative to name a few. Best part though is that using the wound allocation works just as well with a Command Squad kitted out for Shooting rather than Close Combat. All you have to do is change up the equipment on every bloke.


However, this is a huge deal as well, if you are going to set up a unit like this then you really should think about the cost. A fully kitted out set of Veterans will run you over 200 points. Add in extra goodies and then a tricked out Razorback and you might honestly be better off buying up a unit of Terminators and a Land Raider. You get the added punch of a Land Raider which doesn't come out of your FOC (deadicated transport) and a unit of out best troops to go on a killing spree with. I under stand that it isn't as original as a kitted out Command Squad but realitive cost is something to consider. If you were to put your Command Squads on bikes then you have a completely different animal to be sure!

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I'm going to go against the norm. A relic blade is all well and good if you can use it. I'd go the Artificer Armour. Razor goes boom, you're in the open (well, excluding the hunk of metal that you 'could' hide behind, but that makes the squad quite useless). That 2+ save might just come in handy. Not to mention if you take wounds in combat.


All depends on if you want damage or durability. Just remember, neither option matters if the Captain eats a lascannon or melta shot.

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As others have stated, definitely get your captain a relic blade. A standard power weapon is pathetic, tbh, since it'll be wounding on 4+ against MEQ, and will be unable to harm bigger stuff.


You also might wanna consider putting a bit more points in your captain, and giving him artificer armor and maybe digital weapons too. A captain with a 2+/4++ save, relic blade, digital weapons, and hellfire shells (if he's on a bike), is a really really killy guy. You can send him to take on entire squads alone (provided they don't have a powerfist, ofc), and he'll mostly be killing 2-4 MEQ in each assault phase, winning combat most of the time and getting a chance to sweeping advance at I5.

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OK. Let's say I'm sold on the Relic Blade for the Commander. What is the best accompanying weapon? I'm ruling out pistols as they give no attack bonus to the two handed relic blade. That leaves me between a Storm Bolter and a Combi-flamer. I'm tempted by the Combi-Flamer, but with the Storm Bolter costing only 3 points and usable again and again I'm torn.
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OK. Let's say I'm sold on the Relic Blade for the Commander. What is the best accompanying weapon? I'm ruling out pistols as they give no attack bonus to the two handed relic blade. That leaves me between a Storm Bolter and a Combi-flamer. I'm tempted by the Combi-Flamer, but with the Storm Bolter costing only 3 points and usable again and again I'm torn.




i'm partial to combi-weapons. yes you only get that one "special" shot, but whatever you can still use it as a bolter the rest of the game.

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Just because you can get a gun, doesn't mean you NEED a gun. But, if that's the route you want to go, make sure it's an assault weapon. You don't want anything to tempt you from not getting stuck in with a Relic-Blade Captain.
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OK. Let's say I'm sold on the Relic Blade for the Commander. What is the best accompanying weapon? I'm ruling out pistols as they give no attack bonus to the two handed relic blade. That leaves me between a Storm Bolter and a Combi-flamer. I'm tempted by the Combi-Flamer, but with the Storm Bolter costing only 3 points and usable again and again I'm torn.


I agree with Ryjak, you don't need a gun. I run my relic blade Captain with just a bolt pistol (partly because I'm using th Emperor's Champion model) as most of his damage will come in CC, I don't want to pay for another gun that I won't use half the time when I'm in combat.


Therefore, IMO the better option when using a relic blade is to give him a storm shield. You wouldn't get the +1 attack anyway, and he's now become a lot more survivable with a 3++ save. Give him some artificer armour and digital weapons and you've got a very survivable Captain who can deal out a lot of damage.

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How so? General concensus is that a Command Squad isn't a Retinue, per Rules as Written (RAW), so your Captain is still an IC in HtH.

I was thinking about ranged fire, tbh.


In H2H you can only attack the IC anyway if in B2B contact. So, as stupid and ridiculous as the ruling over Command Squads not being retinues is (and which every sensible player ignores anyway), it doesn't make much difference.

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What you equip your command squad with really depends on what role you want it to play in relation to the rest of your army. If you're lacking CQC units then give them power swords, storm shields etc etc and use them in that capacity. If you want more ranged firepower because you have enough CQC stuff then give them guns etc. I, for example, give my command squad on bikes 4x plasma guns. I do this because with the feel no pain added by the apothecary its safer to give these guys the plasma. Plus they can stay out of charge range with single shot plasma guns or zip in close and rapid fire something to death. I've dropped a daemon prince in this way before.
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