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start of BFM ultra force

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im starting to throw together some models for my new project: a 3rd company Ultramarines force based around the BFM dreadnought Ironclaw/brother Severus story found here.


Im running 2 tac squads in rhinos and a 5man dev squad to represent the guys dropped by t-hawk which suppressed the nids, the 'assault' section will be 3 dreads in pods, one is an ironclad to reprisent Severus.

I am also taking 2 assault squads in pods which will have MK3 armour to show the tunnel fighting.


I had a model kindly donated by Commisar Molotov, whihc i thought would fit nicely at the head of this new project.




Heres my WIP so far: (pics a little blurry)










C+C always welcome.



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