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WIP Possessed Chaos Vindicator


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Got a wild hair to do some work with green stuff, so I thought the perfect conversion would be my new Chaos Vindicator. I didn't want there to be any question as to whether or not it was possessed. Originallly, I was going to use a big eye for the targeter, until I realized I had used the ones I had on my Spawn models. So I put a possessed SM head in there instead. For the viewports on the commander's cupola, I used some of the smaller eyes, although they may be a bit hard to see. I also nurgled up the cannon a bit. I thought about going further, but since this was my first real attempt at doing this type of work, I didn't want to go too far and mess it up. Finally, I added some open sores and pustules (thanks to the tutorial onthis site on how to do those) and a mouth on the back.


First, the overall model:



Next, a closer view of the possessed head:



The back:



And finally the dozer blade:


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Thanks for the comments guys. I've actually got an idea for the 'naked side', but I've got to find some possessed heads to cut up for it.


As for the smoothness, I use a set of dental tools that I bought and dipped them in water every couple of strokes to keep it lubricated.




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