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Hi there guys and gals, a few questions for ye. I painting up this Dark Angel as a project in painting black and robes. Now I know the robes are patchy and I'm thinking a few more light washes of Deneb Stone should smooth them out a bit more. Now, the backpack has a candle on it. I have no idea what colour to paint it. Should I do it red like the purity seal wax? Or should I go for a more creamy colour? Also with the base I was thinking of having a stone floor, I've got the base I want to use but again, I need some advice. What colour should the stone be? I don't want to use Deneb Stone for obvious reasons. Anyone got any tips for painting cold stone floors?




Thanks in advance,


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for the candle i would go for bleached bone highlighted with white. For the base maybe start off with adeptus battlegrey drybrushed with codex grey. Maybe try a few very light glazes of blue if you are going for a cold look. never tried anything like it before but give it a go.

o yes and it is lookin good so far! the freehand on the shoulder really stands out and is very neat

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For the candle, I think a Deep Red would look good. I'd try and bring the colour up a smidge on the robes - if you try and make it brighter, it'll contrast better with the Power Armour and draw attention to the mini. As for the floor, I'd start off with Foundation Astronomican Grey, then very lightly drybrush - sparingly - in Ice Blue. If the colour doesn't tie in enough, you could experiment with a Washes, and then drybrush a Medium-Light Grey over the whole thing. Just my thoughs, don't know if that would work out. It's certainly worth trying, if you have the paints!
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Hey cheers for the advice guys. As promised I added some more layers of Deneb Stone and Skull white to bring up the robes a bit more.


I'm gonna start on the base tonight and experiment with Blood_Raven_240's idea. Also I think I'll go with a white-ish candle in the back pack.

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The robe is looking so much better now, well done! The miniature now, official, looks 400 times better than before!


As for the base, I'm glad you're trying out my idea. I want credit for the recipe, if it goes well :P (Kidding on, dude!)


Just slap and drybrush different colours on there - this is the War-Torn 41st Millenium, things are MEANT to look dirty and broken ;)

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Hehe of course the credit shall be yours and yours alone. :P

Well I've finished him. Not sold on the base, more the modelling than the colour (which I like). May go back and try it another way.


C&C appreciated. especially if someone knows how to make stone floors!

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A really good way to make stone floors is to use... wallpaper :D Now, don't laugh, there's a method here :D




This kind of Wallpaper is good for making stone floors. I'd reccomend a trip to a wallpaper shop, take a few samples of possible floor textures, then paint them, cut them out in the shape of the base, and glue them on top B)


Then, you can paint them using my - WONDERFUL - method :huh:

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I quite like the stone floor actually, though I'd be tempted to paint the ring of the base black or brown for contrast. IMHO the problem is that it looks kinda flat when the whole base is that colour. I also love the look of the green-on-black, I might have to style my Fallen after it. :)
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Hey there, I did an Angel of Absolution the other day so figured I should post him in here. Quite pleased with the way the bone came out. I gave him some personal heraldary and a sword on his left shoulder pad, which I know is wrong but I wanted to tie him in with the veteran I did earlier in the thread. Not sure how to base this guy, I might just do a generic grass base. Looking at him has made me think I could do a force of Storm Giants.




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