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Whirlwind WIP


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Doing some work on my whirlwind. Let me know what you think!


Interior shots for now:








Next series of pictures will show washes, highlighting and detail work.

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The update:







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  • 2 weeks later...

Update 2: Sorry 56k owners, these are pretty big images again









I did something I haven't done before by adding two coats of matte finish to the model. All in all i think it does pretty well. Unfortunately, that means I would have a hard time trying to fix anything that I may have missed or screwed up on but I am pretty happy with this. The other thing I noticed is that for vehicles I really needed to water down my badab black wash. Otherwise, I get a lot of unnecessary pooling all over the flat surfaces.

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Lovely. I like the orange tint the red has.


Thank you. The orange tint is kind of a weird effect of having both the blood red and the blazing orange. That and most of my photo editing software register the color as being more orange than usual (Happens in both Photoshop AND MS photo editor). I think maybe it's a problem with my camera but believe me, it is definitely a red color =).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update 3. I screwed up some of the side panels because I accidentally moved the rhino before the wash had time to dry. Lots of ugly streaks all over it. You may notice my attempt to repair this in some of the pictures. Anyway, I only have the treads left to do so almost finished! Big images again today.







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Wow nice.. I like it a lot.. I want to be able to do that kind of stuff with my army in time. I need to get better at painting first.

So I am guessing you painted it before you put it together?


- Drexsun



Actually, I painted the interior first then after that I glued the vehicle together. Once glued, I made sure to keep the interior protected and then primered and painted the exterior. Was a bit of hassle but I wanted to make the outside look more seamless than I have in the past. I was moderately successful in doing so (some gaps are still apparent). The trick is in deciding when you want your interior painted. Rhinos and razorbacks normally have painted interiors for me but since there were a lot of little gubbins with this kit, I decided to paint the interior anyway.


The biggest thing is that I have been practicing slightly different techniques with each item I paint. So although my guys look a bit hodgepodge, each successful paint job is better than the one before it. Here is a picture I have of a land speeder done way back in 1999/2000 to give you an example:



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