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The Celestial Centurions. My first Space Marines


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I finally broke down and picked up some Space Marines (I'm an avid Tau player). They are pretty much a vanilla chapter based more for ranged and armored combat. Most names will be based off of constellations or other noteworthy spacial places. Also I plan on using Roman ranks for leaders.


So far I have a Tactical Squad and their Rhino. I have a Captain and Command Squad, Sniper Scouts and a Razorback on its way.


Here are the first 2 marines I got done:






Here is the rest of Squad Fornax primed and awaiting paint:




Close up of Decanus Fornax (Squad Sergeant)



And the squad's Rhino Transport Equuleus also primed (prolly gonna start this tomorrow):




Gonna do touch ups after I finish the whole squad. I'd also like some ideas as to what I can do with the black armor to bring out some details. I was thinking about a wash but I'm not sure what color would work with black other than perhaps white which I'm not sure how it would turn out. All C&C is welcome.

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With black I wouldn't recommend highlighting with white, If I was you I'd think about using a very dark grey, maybe a 50/50 mix of fortress grey/chaos black, I'm not sure a wash would have much impact. I'm sure if you search around the black templar threads there will be some good recipes flying around.
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Very nice job on those tac marines. I love the paint scheme. Also some very good freehand on the parchments.


If I would have one criticism it would be the mold lines. Try scraping them off with a craft knife or filing them



Other than that, great job!

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