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Kitbashed Vanguard - All plastic

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Hey folks! ;)

Ive been meaning to do these for a while. I have never really been a fan of the Juan Diaz Vangaurd minis, I dont think they are particulary good to be honest, but I did want to include some in my current project for 1st Company Ultras.

So, I grabbed an Assault squad boxset and my bitz box and came up with these guys...hope you like! :P

Most of the "bling" will come in the paintjob stage, but I'm not a real fan of too much anyway, hence none of the normal fancy pants chains etc. I wanted to get the 2light weight" feel to them if you get my drift.






C&C's are welcome as always!


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I like them. I don't mind the metals but if you want a large number of vanguard then you are either stuck with limited poses or you go plastic. I went through a metal loving stage where all my pack leaders had to be metal. Then I realised the poses were boring.
The legs are still missing some bling.





UM Brass Etchings will fix that in a jiff!

Most of the "bling" will come in the paintjob stage, but I'm not a real fan of too much anyway, hence none of the normal fancy pants chains etc. I wanted to get the "light weight" feel to them if you get my drift.


I hope this clears up any of the "bling" legs stuff, as I said I will be addressing this via painting but I am a firm believer in them looking as though they are not weighed down like Mr.T. :)



They look cool, but from a rules perspective you might want to give the shields to the powerfist guy and relic blade guy (if thats what the first is) instead of the power weapon guys as that works out to more CC attacks.


I agree, Mechanically Powerfist and shield with Powersword and Plasmapistol works much better than how you have done them, nontheless your models look great, all I could suggest is some slightly more dynamic footing if that makes sense.


For my plastic vangaurd conversion, I simply glued them ontop of a small rocks and rubble, it raised him above the normal assault marines and regular marines making him stand out, and his pose just seemed to much more dynamic.

Rules wise yes it would make more sense, fluff wise for my list though I prefer the look of swords etc with axes. Wielding a power fist and shield just doesnt have that "knightly" look that I want to achieve. ^_^



i really like the pose of the first guy, it really looks like hes running forward about to take a swing at some unfortunate enemy.


the only negative thing i have to say is that the position of the left pistol-holding hand of the last marine looks unnatural, like it should be twisted so that from the angle of the pic you could only see the top of the gun. get what i mean?


im all in for the idea of plastic models with alot of bits added to count as elite metal models, saving money and getting your own induvidual squad.



I like them - a lot. I agree with you on the metal Vanguard. I have a boxed set that I want to use for my Black Templar's but I think I will follow you with some scratchbuilt plastics. I think that the relic blade wielding model is ok - I'm gonna use him as a Castellan but the rest are a bit OTT i think. Really look forward to seeing them painted.


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