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I intend for this to be a long term thread, with the aim of gathering feedback & ideas for everything i'm working on.


I'll begin with a rhino & librarian in terminator armour nearing completion. Thoughts please :)






More to follow in the near future, cheers for taking the time to look

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Very neat. It'll be good to see a few marines once you have finished them.

Where did the driver for the Rhino come from. Is that standard (I got mine off ebay so there are bits missing)

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it' not fun with the top down and no hair...


crisp, clean and vibrant, really well done!


tho i would suggest a close up of the libby. a shade or two lighter on his face would draw focus a bit more, perhaps even white out the eyes, freaky psi-energy style. you obviously know your way around a paint brush, so may i suggest a bit of source lighting emitting from the palm? like he's revving up to blast someone.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the comments so far :P


Both those models are now done. I'll be posting pictures of them in the HOH soon...


Next up this fella




A simple but nice conversion using the double handed sword from the limited edition emperors champion model. The only thing stopping me from getting down to some painting is his right shoulder pad, regular shoulder pads are to large when compared to the metal ones so i'm going to have to pick up some assault sqd metals.


thoughts please

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He is a collectors model & a personal favorite, i gots my own, no doubt.


This model was given to me in a bad condition. There was no left arm & the right claw was badly damaged, also there was, what i believe to be, lead rot all over the left chest area and back (now hopefully gone). I accidentaly hit the right shoulder pad with the dremel when dashing the claw, flatening the skull in the middle of the chapter badge so i have gone on to remove that too.


All in all i'm pleased with the outcome, makes for a nice veteran

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Here's the Librarian pretty much done, I may go back and do a bit more on him. Right now i'm working on a lysander model in ultramarines colours, so we'll see ;)



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Wow, that is very impressive. Love the weathering on the botom of the cloak and boots. My only recomendation would be to go back over the staff head. It looks prety dull next to the rest of the model.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's a squad of Assault Marines that's slowly coming along, I have a couple of commissions i'm working on that need finishing before these guys see some paint. I may post a few more snaps soon, let me know what you think please :D



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I like the stuff so far, even for ultra marines(I spit at ultra) :D . The assualt sq looks good but just standard from what I see, but I can't belive you used the lim ed EC sword for such a minor conversion. Thats not to say I don't like it looks good but its a special sword for special stuff. (sorry just the BlackTemplar in me) lol


That terminator libby seems to be eveywhere at the moment, I got one to such an awesome model.

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Thanks for the kind words :(


I've been slowly progressing with the models. I managed to churn out a drop pod & got a lil paint slapped on the assault squad.








I've also been working on a Warhound Titan, Lysander in Ultras colours & the Sergeant Aurelius mini (pics to follow........ all in good time)


As always, all comments appreciated! Cheers, Lavaman

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Bored of working on the smurfs i've decided to get on with my titan, it's been sitting around for far too long!



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You just had that thing sitting around unfinished? :P Ive been wanting one of those for ages...and you're just doing some Ultras :)


That drop pod and the libby and the rhino look fantastic! The minor conversions just add so much character to your squads! nice.

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Cheers shortsonfire, and yea, this beast has been sitting around for a long time, too bloody long... shameful really. Time now to give it the respect it deserves with a spanking paintjob! and i am going to do just that, i'll be working from the feet up, expect an update soon'ish
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've done a little more on 'the beast'.. for some reason it looks really orange in the pictures? It's going to be a deep, rich red colour in the end. What I do need is some inspiration as to what to write on the scrolls, any and all ideas will be considered, latin with translation please.


For good measure i'm working on more ultras, 4th company, commission job, so there next






Let me know what you reckon :P

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