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Slaanesh Dude (update 02/07)


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I, as most of us I guess, love doing single models.

I've been toying alot with the idea of a chaos marine with a big-a** flamer,

and I finally started making him.


As you can see I still have some sculpting to do, make him slightly more slaanesh'ish (although I don't want to overdo it)

and give him a head ;)





I'm asking for your help now:

I'm totally out of ideas for a colour sheme, and I love trying complete new techniques on single models

so go ahead, and give me a totally mad idea.

I hereby promise the god of Excess to use the most looniest of ideas, and that he may claim my soul if I dont :tu:

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I still have some cleaning up to do; but model-wise it is finished.

Anything that isn't turning out right/ I should change before I start painting?





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