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Imperial onslaught


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Just picked up my own imperial guard codex (for reference) the other day and was curious if anyone has gone up against any of the 'newer' leman russ variants.


Particularly the punisher, kit that out with 3 hvy bolters and the equals a lot of S'x' hits! :lol:


Thx - D

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Many guard at my LGS, so i've seen most of them. I've faced demolishers (popular choice, but the BS3 scatter has saved many of my models and the plasma cannons usually do the same) scary, but not dominating. Battle cannon (if i played guard, I would just settle with these, the range means everything. I've learned to fear these. the one that gets the S8 melta rule cannon thing which i was less than impressed by (woot, you penetrated a rhino, well my smokes just saved me) I haven't faced the punisher, the one with the Heavy 20 cannon (I want to see it in use too) I'm also bad with the names as you can see
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I don't know why power armored armies are worried about the Punisher. At BS3, you are only going to be losing about 2.22 guys to a turn from it.


Here's the breakdown: 20 shots, 10 hits, 6.66 wounds, 2.22 failed armor saves and, thus, 2.22 dead marines.


Of course, with that many shots, there's always the possibility that the dice gods will forsake you at some point and you'll be cut to ribbons, but that's the exception and not the rule. S5 is not that scary. Tau have that strength of weapon in spades and you know how many shots at BS3 it takes for them to whittle a marine squad down (without XV or skimmer support at least)


Honestly, I'd be more concerned with their Executioner pattern with its plasma templates. BS3 will help them scatter off some, but the number of armor ignoring shots that thing can put out means it's got to be one of your primary targets.

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I concur that the Hellhound is more to worry about, at least on the turn it comes on- it boils up easy, but that move 18" and fire a S6 Template 12" is tough. The AP3 Banewolf has to get too close, so is a one shot tactic that I have seen- but it can take 6-8 MEQs in that one turn before the retribution.

Melta cannon not such a big worry as yet

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The 20 shot variety is pretty pathetic from what I've seen of it used. It just doesn't do enough damage to be a serious threat. What it is good for though, is making you roll saves on Termies or trying to take out upgrades in midsized squads. Like mentioned above, I'm much more worried about the Plasma cannon variant. Put their version of Chronus in it, and it can butcher just about anything.
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