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Heavy Bolters?


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In 5th, I question which is more durable. Since vehicles can now get 4+ CS and have the improved (for them) vehicle damage tables, they have some advantages. While they're easier to nullify (Shaken, Stunned, Weapon Destroyed) they're harder to actually kill than they used to be. Which means no kill points for the enemy.


On the other hand, infantry have more physical bodies carrying the weapons, can also gain strong cover (in some cases 3+), but also have the probability of running away. This is offset somewhat by ATSKNF and, in some cases, Stubborn. Another problem for infantry is that they can be locked in combat, therefore nullifying their firepower, though it must be noted that a vehicle getting assaulted is pretty much done if the enemy happens to be carrying Krak Grenades or better.


In the end, I suppose it's a question of army design and point cost. If you don't mind spending the premium price for Dev weapons, they may just be the best option for concentrated firepower.

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If you don't mind spending the premium price for Dev weapons, they may just be the best option for concentrated firepower.

I agree 100%. I just don't know if the Dev squad is the best way to concentrate Heavy Bolters.


Now Plasma Cannons on the other hand... :)

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One other component to the debate that makes me like my devastators with heavy bolters over the dakka predator:


My opponents tend to ignore them. It's as if they look over my army and think "Devastator squad? Better target that first... wait, no... just heavy bolters." But tanks tend to draw people's concern more--at least in my experience. As long as they are superior at running "under the radar" I like them. Even after games where that unit was responsible for particularly grim wreckage, people do not always notice that it was the humble heavy bolter in a marine's hands that did them in.



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Wouldnt't 2-3 land speeders with 2x heavy bolters each net you more heavy bolters (and much more mobility) for the price than a Devastator squad, as well as benefiting form being vehicles and thus immune to low-strength shooting? Also, the models seem low enough that getting them to benefit from cover shouldn't be too terribly difficult if there are buildings or hills around. Of course, I have no practical experience as I don't own any speeders yet, but cost-wise it sems to me you could get 2 2xHB speeders for about the same cost as a minimum-size Dev squad with only 2xHB, leaving a Heavy Support slot open for something armored.
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You'd get mobility, I'll agree with that. But durability goes right out the window. While the vehicle damage tables were buffed (or nerfed?) to make vehicles stronger in 5th, Skimmers got wacked with a nerf beatstick. They still crash over 7" movement (which they'll likely be doing), they only get 4+ Obscured for going "flat out", and they're still AV10. Almost any army will be carrying a S4 basic weapon, with glancing hits shutting down skimmers without too much trouble. If that squad happens to carry, say, anything else, it can soundly nullify LS.


All things considered, though, I think it's a terrible waste of the mobility and options available to a Landspeeder not to simply go for a Typhoon (which is deadlier at range, just as mobile, and can take a variety of targets) or a MM/HF LS. That's all my opinion of course.


Oh and if we want to talk about mobile Heavy Bolters, we should back up a bit in the convo here and look at Attack Bikes. You get 3 for 120 points. That's a bloody bargain right there.

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We've already covered Attack Bikes on the previous page.


I agree with regards to the Heavy Bolter/Missile Launcher Land Speeder. Able to operate at extended range as what I like to call "skirmish skimmer" style, it's certainly one of the highly favoured options.


Have we mentioned Razrbacks yet? Not enough! We should more. A TLHB with AV11/11/10, BS4 and a Carrying capacity. As you mentioned on the previous page, they are the cheapest way of getting the Twin-Linked HBs into your army, albeit you trade off the Mobility of Bikes and the Supermobility of Speeders for it.


And they don't take up Force Allocation slots.

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