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I've long been a player of INQ28 - that is, the Inquisitor rules-set using 28mm scale models rather than 54. My local group is gearing up for a summer INQ28 campaign that'll feature a number of Inquisitorial retinues and these are what I'm working on here.


Board-appropriate pictures will be allowed. So if it is part of an army that we allow elsewhere on the B&C, it can be posted here.





I'll be taking care only to post what you might find in a "board appropriate" 40k army, but once they're done I'll be posting up battle reports for the campaign in the 'other games' sub-forum. :D


Before I continue too much, my thanks in advance to Midian, who graciously agreed to paint a couple of these models. :D


First up, 'my' Inquisitor, Inquisitor Hoth. I was looking at the new IG Primaris Psyker model when I realised that in some ways it's aesthetically similar to the Eisenhorn model. I wanted Hoth to bear some of the same aesthetic stylings, so this is my first mock-up of Inquisitor Hoth:




I've since removed the breastplate and added a sash in its place.


Hoth's current nemesis, Inquisitor Adorno:




And two models painted by Midian; these are both part of Hoth's retinue.





Stay tuned for more to come! ;)

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Not normally a fan of =][=28(prefer 54 personally), but you're one of the people who show not to just dismiss it out of hand. Hoth's a nice subtle conversion, as is the mastiff(Necro enforcer hound with SW back-pack vent?) and Lok's a nice understated Inquisitor anyway. @ Midian, can't fault the paint work. Good Job.
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Thanks to everyone for all the comments! Hopefully we'll have more to show you guys soon.


@Bigger-than-Jesus: I really appreciated your comment. One of my goals is to overturn some of the stigma that INQ28 faces. Large portions of the Inquisitor community look down on it - for some good reasons, but also for some bad ones. I want to show that the 28mm range can play host to some very cool models and games! And yes, the cyber-mastiff is a Necromunda Enforcer hound with a Space Wolves backpack vent.

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I've always been interested in Inquisitor, but the size of the miniatures have put me off. Hearing about INQ28 does bring some hope to me of trying =][= some time.


On to models: So far, I can't really comment Molotov, but I am certain that I they will be great.

Midian, your painting is as always amazing.

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I've never actually heard of people playing Inquisitor with 28mm models. It sounds like a pretty cool idea and you are off to a great start. It seems like it would be easier to attract people to play since they could allready use existing scenery pieces and its a bit less of an investment model wise.
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INQ28 is pretty easy to play. It lists all measurements in yards, and just remember that at 28mm scale, one inch is equal to two yards. The INQ game is designed to be played on a 4'x4' table, so at 28mm scale, you can play on a 2'x2' table. You also have tons of options for models at 28mm scale. In addition to the standard minis from GW or forgeworld, you can use necromunda minis, mordheim minis, or anything that fits for the character.
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Well, it depends on the scenario you're running. You can play on a 2x2 table with INQ28 easily, but we've also had some success using a 4x4 (effectively 8x8) table, as it gave a lot of room to manoeuvre. As I said earlier, I'll post up battle reports once we start on the campaign proper! :P


For the time being, here's one of the other retinues being used in this campaign, created by my friend Darren (dazz1286):



Inquisitor Ferox:



Magos Parragus:



WIP Torturer/Chirurgeon:


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The Tortuerer, whilst WiP, is awesome!


Incidentally, do you have pictures of Non-Power Armoured Inq28 Models? If so, can you PM them to me? (I'm looking for inspiration). Thanks!


Well, obviously none of the characters here have power-armour, but if you're talking about board inappropriate models, you could do worse than checking the Ammobunker INQ28 or Warseer INQ28 threads. Each of the threads has slightly different content - the Warseer thread has a bunch of Tzeentchian cultists I haven't put up in the Ammobunker thread yet.


I really like the idea of =][=28 and i think you and your friends use some of the nicest models gw produces like the vostroyan sniper, enginseer and WH inq.


great work




Thanks, Mel. I think that a great advantage of Inquisitor and similar games is that you can spend a lot more time on individual models to make them characters with a personality - and getting to use a wide and diverse range of some of GW's coolest models is only an additional benefit! :)


In the mean-time, an update from Midian's desk:


Done a bit of work on Mourn, a feral world merc. Not much, but it's a start. Got the old man visiting tomorrow so there probably won't be any updates on him until monday.




And here's the fluff I wrote for Mourn's character:


The warrior known as Mourn was born upon a feral world upon which religious deviancy was rife. The efforts of Imperial Missionaries to impose order upon these deviant tribal superstitions had only limited success. Many attended Ecclesiarchal services and yet still paid their dues to witch-doctors and holy men. The young warrior grew up dedicating his kills to an Emperor figure who was but part of a pantheon, assailed on all sides by mischievous fellows.


In this ignorance and simplicity lies an open-mindedness and acceptance Adorno has found useful - perhaps even welcome. Mourn knows all too well that the universe is a cold and savage place, home to all manner of malevolent creatures that must be crushed by any means necessary.


Though initially unnerved by his transition to civilisation, he has come to thrive, Imperial technology simply providing him with better and better ways to kill. Mourn is fierce and callous, accustomed to death and fully prepared to carry out the Inquisitor's orders - no matter how distasteful or questionable they may seem.



Also, here's the retinue of Inquisitor Balthier, who'll be run by my good friend Nick (Night-Fish):


Inquisitor Balthier:


Alaric Balthier is an Amalathian Inquisitor, dedicated to preserving the Imperium so that the Emperor may be afforded the

ability to bring His plans to completion. A member of the Ordo Hereticus, Balthier has brought several high-profile cults to account for their heresies. Balthier is also infamous for prosecuting his fellow Inquisitors for their actions. This has led some Inquisitors to be wary around Balthier; his supporters claim that only those with something to hide should be afraid of his methods.


Salem "Slim" Rios, Gunfighter:


Salem Rios was born on a dreary, insignificant agri-world, though he won't tell you its name. His only distraction from the dull routine of the farm was trick-shooting with his father's old PDF-issue laspistol; the young Salem sought excitement and the exotic, and soon escaped on a merchant vessel before travelling to a larger Imperial world. His skill as a shot was his only asset, and he quickly made a career as a gunslinger and marksman, battling in elaborate arenas for the amusement of the noble classes. However, an incident involving the Planetary Governor's daughter on the eve of her wedding quickly brought Rios's glittering career to an end. He was slated to be executed when Inquisitor Balthier stepped in to commute the sentence - provided Rios began to work for him. The relationship between the grim, irascible Inquisitor and the jovial trickshooter is a strained one at times, but 'Slim' Rios has proved his worth on numerous occasions.


Dariel Rourke, Pathfinder and Sniper:


Dariel Rourke was born on the world of Ghalithrai, an industrial world that had erupted into civil war. Rourke served in the PDF forces as a marksman and scout, excelling in the cramped, rubble-strewn streets. His modified long-rifle attracted the ire of the regiment's tech-adepts, but served Balthier well during the assault on a nascent cult. Balthier left Ghalithrai to rebuild, but took Rourke with him. Rourke is a simple man; grim, tenacious and dedicated. He prizes duty and obligation, and it was a simple act for him to switch his loyalty from his superior officers to the Inquisitor.


Ishamel Castor, Warrior-Priest:


Ishmael Castor is a devoted adherent of the Imperial Creed. Born to the shrine-world of Roiscant, Castor is a veritable encyclopaedia of knowledge on the exploits of the Sainted Xenoscourge, Jerido. Indeed, Castor carries a bone with him reputed to be the fingerbone of the legendary Saint himself. Of course, it is said that if all the 'bones of Jerido' were brought together in one location, they could make up the skeletons of several hundred people. Such trifling details do little to deter Castor, who sets about his duties with great abandon, reveling in his great fortune to serve a mighty Inquisitor. Skilled with languages and other obscure pieces of knowledge, Castor has proven of great use to the Inquisitor, his indomitable enthusiasm to echo his hero Jerido helping him through many tight spots during his tenure with Balthier.

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Hey guys, sorry that I haven't updated for the last few days. This morning, whilst waiting for GW to send me an order (which still hasn't arrived yet) I put up an INQ28 Blog. Please check it out if you get a chance! I'd definitely appreciate it. :D


Today, however, we have two updates from Midian's workbench. First we have one of the Hierophants from the Daemonhunters range. The model has sadly been discontinued. It's always been one of my favourite models but I foolishly traded mine away years ago! Midian managed to find one amongst his collection, though the blade of the eviscerator had been cut off. He's managed to salvage the model, replacing the blade with a plastic chainsword from a Chaos Space Marine.




Next we have a Daemonhost named Seraphael who will take up part of Inquisitor Adorno's retinue.


Seraphael was trapped by Adorno within the body of one of his servants. The bindings placed upon him prevent him from escaping or harming his master. Should he ever escape, he would take great pleasure in killing the Inquisitor. Until that day, however... he has to bind his time.


Seraphael is from one of the Daemonhunter Daemonhost models (This one in particular) even though I've always loudly proclaimed to everyone nearby how much I hate those models! Well, I indulged myself in a bit of "surgery", removing the bits of the model that offended me. In particular, these were the head and the left arm (our right). The head was changed for a plastic replacement, the Champion's head from the Warriors of Chaos regiment. The arm was exchanged for a plastic zombie arm, and I green-stuffed the manacle in its place.



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The simplicity and execution of Seraphael is perfect. I'm guessing he'll look like an alternate Daemonhost model that has come directly 'out of the box' once painted. So this Inquisitor Adorno; you've set him up to be quite the antagonist in your tales, correct? I'm intrigued and hopefully we see more background (and models) soon!
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I have played Inquisitor in the past but found the expense and material (metal) of the models to be too limiting. Not that buying individual pieces from GW is impossible there is no way I will touch Inquisitor in the future.


However, Inquisitor28 seems like a way to solve almost all of my problems. Plastic pieces for easy conversions, ten times the models for the same price, and I already own plenty to use. I like it.

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