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Scratchbuilt Chimera Help!


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Hi, I used to play 40k way back in 3rd ed, and recently some friends got me back into it. I decided to play Imperial Guard, and thought to save money I'd try and scratch build some of the vehicles. Not knowing the first thing about how to build something like a chimera i sat down with some plasticard and foam board and came up with a wheeled chimera idea (basically a cross between a chimera and a stryker afv) I was rather pleased with the result, and even airbrushed it to test the color scheme I had in mind for my Guard (The front panel got messed up and needs to be repainted and the wheels aren't done.) All was looking up but then I got a great deal on the marine half of 4 black reach box sets and suddenly became a marine player. Luckily i had not purchased anything for IG and only had this tank, but now I don't know what to do with it, I don't really want to save it for a Inquisitional transport, and I had thought of putting a rhino type view port on the front and using it as a razorback but then I wouldn't know how to put side doors on it (the panels on the side are much to small to be easily turned into a ramp) any suggestions on this would greatly be appreciated


Also I thought I'd share a photo of some Landspeeders I'm working on (they have a long way to go) and this is my first post on this site, and I thought id mention how great of a community you guys have here, its the best 40k site I have found so far.











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Hi there,


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news (and i feel especially guilty for telling you this since you're returning to the game) but this is a power armour only board, so will very likely get locked by the mods.


You've some great work there, and I hope you visit us with your SMs/SoBs/etc


Try this forum for guard - http://s4.invisionfree.com/Boot_Camp


Best of luck



Well the Tempests look like they are are made of paper and you used some plans i did see some time ago.

There are some plans for Paper Rhinos somewhere to find in the www and they do look great.

Some one will know the link where to find it or the keyword for google, i forgot sorry.


Keep up the good work.



Those look great!!!!!! I love the idea of a wheel based chimara instead of the tracked ones. Those would go great with my airborne units!!!!




Also, there are Inquisitor posts in this forum. Inquistor armies use the chimeras so i don't think its too forbidden lol.


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