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C&C my Dakka Dread


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I truly believe ebay is chaos incarnate, because of how it tricks you to spend money on things you don't need because prices there "are too good to pass". Rant asside, I purchased TL-autocannon/TL-Heavy bolter FW arms for my AoBR dread. My question is, "Does this loadout do it's job well enough to justify using it?"


Neither gun pierces MEQ armor. However, my venue will see a increase of IG, Nid, and Tau players. The army I'm trying to build will use Vindicators for hard targets/horde/elites, Combi-Pred or vanilla Land Raider to kill transports/MC from distance, Tac marines to clean the field, and transports to mech. the Tac's. I believe this covers all my bases and doesn't leave gaps that needs a dakka dread to fill. What it would do is to possibly draw fire from rino's and supplement Tac, Pred, and LR firepower.

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I love auto cannons... they are the best ballance IMO of multi shot goodness with wholsome hurty power. twin linking them virtually garuntees your 2 hits, which will be perfect for pirhana's and sentinels pestering you.


As a former tau player I hated hvy bolters due to the wounding on 2's and no armor saves. so those definately have thier nitch! wether or not its one that needs to be filled in your army is up to you, but it'll allow you to use your heavier hitting weapons on the bigger threats.


I also agree about that the 5th god of chaos is eBay.... :devil:

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