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WIP Tears of Sanguinius

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Toxica's tears of Sanguinius painting


Well I usually do death guard but getting the Assault on Black Reach set I decided to start what I always wanted a Blood Angels successor chapter the Tears of Sanguinius. So lets show you what I have done.


My work bench.




Dreadnought Hal




One of my rust effects



Powerfisted sarge conversion




I love my dog but she can be annoying she chewed up three space marines so here is my GS work. I am not the best but........ it works.



Almost finished captain with color scheme. He won't actually be used in the army just used so I could see the color scheme


Five assault troops and one old death company model that is not really up to par bought it for the jump pack for one dollar. So I am going to use him as a statue for scenery.



Converted HF on a AoBR Termi. This was a pain




My Chaplin (A WYSIWYG Lemartes) The armor will be repainted blue and red like the captain.

the greenstuff will be painted as a rock. Bought it off my cuz.



MMM Jetpacks fun on the run




And a little oldie but goodie 2nd edition I think. Found it in a grab bag at my local store.


more to come and please C&C If you want to know how I do anything like my rusting just ask.

Is this good for being 16? lol

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looking good so far toxic, you should have left the dog bite marks as battle damage <_<

lol Well she did take on of the guys heads off. I think a space marine without a head screaming battle brothers onward would be hilarious. but most of the bite marks were very deep so I add some gs to the chests. I hate how AoBR space marines are a full body makes it hard to fix.

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