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New to 40k and preparing to face off...


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Hello all,


New to the 40k hobby (having played fantasy for year). My friend and I got sick of all the crap that is happening to fantasy, so we decided to try out 40k. Having liked the space marines since I played Space Hulk years ago, I went with them. My friend liked the IG, and after playing elite whfb armies, liked the idea of lots of troops.


So.... the point of the post.


Typically he and I play each other regularly. We hardly ever play @ clubs or shops or the like. We have a gaming table set-up.. and tend to play at each other's houses. As such we know what we are going against.


I was with him when he plopped down $450 the other day to get his IG army started. He's got multiple platoons, a Leman Russ, a Basilisk, a Hellhound. From what we have talked about (and if his playing style from fantasy continues...) he's going to get lots and lots of AP3 or better weaponry. I'm expecting lots of plasma.. in squads, on tanks, etc. etc.


Just wondering what I can do from an offensive and defensive perspective in the face of this incoming Armor ignoring assault.


I tend to like infantry (and not so much monsters, chariots, tanks, or what have you).


We also don't play super WYSISWG.. so a tac unit can easily be a sternguard unit, or a missile launcher can become a lascannon...


At my disposal I have:


4 Tactical squads

1 Devestator squad

1 Assault squad

1 Terminator squad

1 Scout squad

3 Dreadnoughts

1 Rhino/Razorback





Thanks for any advice!

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If he's tailoring for anti-MEQ surprise him. You have the same problems i did when i started, lots of cool unit types but not enough transports or tanks. Surprise him. l I would definitely take the scouts, they're very useful against guard. What do you have on them? it can effect whether you might want to outflank, scout or infiltrate with them the options help here a lot. I would also take dreads as it sounds like he won't have much AT. Assault marines could help if equipped with MB's or a PF. You'd be surprised how much a simple tactical marine can do to guard. It's unfortunate you do not have transports because it may be sad but even our mighty marines now NEED rhinos to get around unmolested.


It sounds as if he's more guardsmen spam then mechanized, though. Try to get squads in close combat with the guardsmen as that's where you can truly break them and get KP's. The Russes may give you trouble with that front armor but hopefully you can get your scouts to break it, i wouldn't let myself be totally controlled by one russ, though, so don't be too afraid and say spend way to much on LC's or something. just try to create a balanced force that can handle most of anything and make full use of the thinking phase, the most important phase of all.


reason for edit: Wall O' text

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