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LEGIO WIP (knight titan and preheresy marines)


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Hi all,


I try to create a big apocalypse army (prehersey style)


for the moment I have 2 titan KNIGHT PALADIN (like in Mechanicum)

and I paint some space marines :

- Ultramarines (2 tactical, 1assault, 1 devastator)

- Iron hands ( 1 tactical, 1 devastator, 1 iron forge master, 1 terminator squad)

- iron warriors (1 tactical)

- dark angels ( 1 command squad)

- emperor children's (1 tactical)

- sons of horus (1tactical)

- world eater (1 assault)


some pictures here :


I hope show you here in a few day some pictures.

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thank you for compliment.

knight tall 19 cm stand up, but mine are 17 cm because they have another position.


my news knights are a little more higher. due to a different leg and foot.

i create :






I can't show picture for the moment.


my project is to create a Pre heresy army with apocalypse datasheet.


I begin with the battle company.

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  • 2 months later...

a picture of my household in coming for the finish lane.


they are mounted with my knight titan kit.


click on the thumb





you can see a Lancer, an Errant, A Senechal Paladin, and two others Paladins


and in a few days I hope show you my battle company complete.

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picture of my preheresy army (6000pts)




this is the beginning !


you can see a battle compagny (apocalypse formation)

a reaver Goth variant ( armorcast)

5 knights titan

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