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Parcival's Grail Guard Album


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Dear Battle Brothers in the name of Sanguinius,


I started collecting and painting my Blood Angels in June 2008, so after one year I'd like to show to you what I have painted so far. I decided to make this a separate thread because it takes a couple seconds to load even on high bandwidth. If you'd like to browse the pictures at my Picasa web album, you're welcome to do so; there you can click the images even larger.


First a little bit of fluff: I play the Blood Angels' 2nd Company and decided to make them my Grail Guard. In the novel Red Fury by James Swallow (I know, I know...) Fabius Bile gets a blood sample from the Grail, so I decided to put the 2nd Company at the protection of the Grail henceforth.


As the Grail has a special status (I'm not randomly called Parcival :P ) I flipped Brother Corbulo's paint scheme to a white base color. The 2nd Company HQ, namely the Captain Parcival and the Grail Guard itself (the Masters of the Chapter models, in this context played as Corbulo's Honor Guard) follow suit.

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Brother Lord Dante



Brother Lord Dante's Honor Guard



Brother Mephiston



Brother Chaplain Lemartes



Converted Chaplain



Everybody's Darlin' Chaplain



Brother Captain Tycho (Death Company)



Brother Sanguinary High Priest Corbulo



Master of the Fleet



Master of the Watch



Master of the Arsenal



Master of the Recruits



Brother Captain Parcival, 2nd Company



2nd Company Honor Guard, airborne



2nd Company Honor Guard, on foot


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Death Company



Venerable Dreadnought Ursus



Venerable Furioso Dreadnought Victor



Veteran Assault Squad #1



Veteran Assault Squad #2


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3rd Squad (back) & 5th Squad (front)



4th Squad (back) & 6th Squad (front)


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Fast Attack


Land Speeder



Attack Bike


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Heavy Support


#1 Brother Corbulo's Razorback



#2 Ancient Vindicator



#3 Ancient Baal Predator



#4 Modern Baal Predator



7th Squad


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Brothers Augustus & John



My first miniature after a 12 years break from the hobby


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Some cool stuff in there and you can see how your painting has evolved over time - great work... and I'm jealous of how much you have painted ;) I'm also planning on doing a command vehicle for Corbulo (soon :) ), similar idea in that it can obviously take the RB upgrade, but with a little less white (just personal preference of course).
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Thank you for your feedback guys. :)


and I'm jealous of how much you have painted :huh:


Well, I consider myself to be a really slow painter. For example, it took me an entire month just to paint the Honor Guards. I could have painted even more if I hadn't been watching all crappy TV shows with my wife... but one has to keep one's lady happy as well. ;)


My only trick is to paint only one army at once. This allows me to stay focused and gives me a rewarding feeling because I see how my Blood Angels gain strength. I believe that those people painting several armies at the same time don't really have the feeling of progress because they may have painted one or two units in every army, but they don't have a good looking strike force.


Right now I am painting 26 Terminators. After that I will do four Drop Pods and then I'll go back to the basic Tactical Squads to increase their power.


I believe you might have wrong knee markings on the devastators though


Yes, but they are there on purpose. It just doesn't make sense to me that fast attack formations are supposed to have a lightning bolt on their kneepad while Devastators run around with wings on them. Artillery strikes like lightning, fast reserves come in as if flying on wings - makes sense to me. I really got the feeling that Games Workshop made an error there when putting that page together in our Codex. Hmm, just checked the old BA Codex and it's reversed (from my point of view) in there as well. Anybody know why?

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  • 1 year later...

After a one year hiatus painting Warmachine (Cygnar) I am back at painting Blood Angels. However, Cygnar was my first army I painted with a palette and I think my progress can be also seen in my BA now.


First I started with my dearest and most important models, the Sanguinary Priests. They are my answer to newbies asking if it's ok to convert a Sanguinary Priest from a regular Marine with the tiny chalice from the DC sprue. Of course anybody can make their Sanguinary Priests the way they want and some people are on a small budget, but in my eyes the Sanguinary Priests are among the proudest, so it should be seen on the models. Hopefully I managed to exactly do that:


Sanguinary Priest 1



Sanguinary Priest 2



Sanguinary Priest 3



Sanguinary Priest 4



So far both my Tactical Squads merely had a Sergeant with Chainsword plus a Marine with a Flamer. Now they're both upgraded with a Sergeant with Fist plus the remaining special weapons:


2nd Company 3rd Squad



2nd Company 4th Squad



As you can easily see, I still terribly suck at painting freehands and I am not happy about it at all. :D


Then I have also painted a couple Terminators that are older but that I haven't shown here so far:


1st Company Captain



1st Company Chaplain



1st Company Librarian (aka "Smurf House" with all its primary colors)



1st Company 3rd Squad (old Space Hulk minis)


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I am currently quite in a painting drive. The Blood Angels are a proud Chapter, but everyone can use a little backup for Apo games every once in a while, right? :)





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You can really see how your painting has improved a lot.Really nice looking. Try to use less paint and thinner layers(it doesnt take much longer). Go from darker to lighter... Or if you want to "cheat" spray red.. go badab black or some kind darker red, then drybrush with a really light color.. It will make the model pop.


Love that you have done your bases, something I havent dont yet(but plan to do), I have tried som different metods.. 1. glue the sand( as you have done).

2. Either paint over and then hightlight OR use a brown/blask wash över.. the second alternative works very well and goes very fast.. with a quick drybrushing over it it looks great.


3. If you want to improve it further get som flocking.

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