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Blood feud (Diorama)


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It's been a while since I posted anything new here as I have been working on non-PA stuff (Yeah, it's heresy. I know...). But my local GW store held a painting contest recently and that gave me a chance to do some power armoured stuff again.


This is a diorama that I had been planning to do for a long time, but never got around to actually do. The idea was to make a very dynamic piece that has the feeling of movement. It's a fight between a Space wolf and a Tzeentch sorcerer where the sorcerer used his magic to hurl the wolf through the air - and straight through a wall.


I am happy with the finished result and it also won the duel category of the competition. I still need t get better at taking pictures, though. The blue is actually smoother in reality.


But anyway, here are the pics:












And some detail shots:



The sorcerer



The wolf



and some stones... :)


What do you think?

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Very nice diorama, The movement is great!





A brave and just Thousand Son Sorcerer doing battle with the evil and corrupt Space Wolf Barbarian. A Hero pushing back a Villain with the Light of Chaos.

Your mind is a bit twisted I think :)

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Well, you've clearly got the winner the wrong way round... ;)


Other than that, a fantastic little piece. Good paint, dynamic, not overly busy and well thought through. Of course, you have a Tzeentch Sorcerer wielding a Hellblade, but thats just the pedant in me! :P

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Thanks everybody! ;)


How long did it take and what made you want to do it?

I worked on it for two or three weeks but a lot of time were just waiting for stuff to dry. Glue stuff together, waiting for glue to dry, adding more glue, waiting for glue to dry, greenstuffing, waiting for greenstuff to dry, etc... Also, a lot of time was spent thinking about positioning and trying out the locations of each stone to get it to look right. So I really don't know how much active time I spent on it. But it definately took time.


What made me do it? Well... Why I did it now is because the idea had been in my head for two or three years and I had planned to do it for several painting competitions, but ran out of time. So I decided to actually start with it in good time before the competition. But the original idea... When making other dioramas I noticed how dynamics could really make a scene come alive. So I wanted to try and take this further and do something really dynamic. And the idea of a psyker/sorcerer throwing someone through a wall popped into my head. And servants of Tzeentch seems like the archetypical sorcerers. And they hate Space wolves. Originally I intended the wall to be made of grey stone, so I was sceptical about using a Space wolf since the grey would not contrast enough from his armour. I thought a while about using a Salamander instead, and maybe even change the sorcerer into a Slaanesh one (since the Blood feud-thing would be lost anyway). But then I got the idea of a sand-coloured wall, which would contrast the wolf's armour and fit perfectly with the Thousand sons egyptian theme.


Of course, you have a Tzeentch Sorcerer wielding a Hellblade, but thats just the pedant in me!
Hellblade? Nooo, that is a... eum... Fellblade! Many people confuse them with Hellblades... :P


It just looked so cool. And I did remove the Khorne symbols.

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Very nice my only crit, apart or your horrid blaspheme is I think the sorcerer is a tad to close to the wall/SWolf at the point in time where they would of been face to face if you know what I mean. Just me being picky.


But that said it doent lessen the awesomeness of the scene you have set. Especialy love the brick work, it really makes it come to life.


Besk of luck in the comp.

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A really nice Diorama, it deserves the first place indeed, and I'm a Swede from Gothenburg so I actually saw the competition in this category, and although it had some other strong duels this one was my favorite.

Although I'd preferred if the Space Wolf would have won :P


Then again, my contribution to this years Gothenburg Games Workshop Painting comp was a huge Battle Scene where 5 Space Wolves more or less slaughter 5 World Eaters... so I guess it's fair enough if a chaos marine wins this one? ;)

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i love the diorama, it looks fantastic, only thing is that a bit of a psychic power still firing off the 1k son would look very nice, maybe a residual lighting bolt or something... but that would only add to the awesomeness that is this diorama.


oh and @everyone: they are both in the wrong, the deceitful powers of chaos and ignorant follower of a corrupt imperium! they should both me maimed! New Imperium of Mankind!

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