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Land Speeder Storm tactics


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Im intending to buy a lss and im wondering how people will be running theres. I will most likley take 5 bolters in my scouts with the heavy bolter on the storm and sit them in cover about 12 away from and then rush an objective on turn 5 (after softening it up with an orbital bombardment) any thoughts/ideas?
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Planning on a Storm/Scouts to last until turn 5 is a tad bit risky. If it doesn't pose much of a threat, it could very well last as long as you make sure that other, more juicy targets are available to your opponent. Or your opponent will realize your plan and hit your sitting 125 points halfway through the game to prevent a last turn rush.


Personally, I'm running Heavy Flamers on my Storms and my Scouts will have Shotguns except for the Sergeants who will have Combi-Flamers and Power Fists. Outflank and use all the flamer templates to nuke an opponent's entire troop choice. If the Storm survives, I'll use it to flame other troops or just boost it around the table 24" to get the cover save, using the last turn to contest and objective. That is gonna be a rare case though.

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My unit is


LSS w/ Multimelta

5 scouts, combi melta, powerfist


If you get first turn, you have an excellent chance to first turn pop some armor (especially with Vulkan)


12 inch deployment + 24 inch scout move + 12 inch first turn move + 2 inch disembark + 6 inch assault is your range.


Your speeder will have back armor shots at melta range on most things, and your fisty searg will auto-hit vehicles back armor (since they havnt moved yet) and his combimelta might work also.


Great for blasting hammerheads, and lurking obliterators

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Just remember that the 24" scout move cant bring you within 12" of the enemy, so you may find it harder to get rear armour, i often settle for side armour, failing that the melta weapons get +D6 on pen which is often good enough to get hits on armour 14.



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I eschew one-trick ponies. And that's what a LSS will be for you if you're using them agressively. To me my LSS is a wildcard. It's armed with the Heavy bolter to be able to take part in the game while hanging back, the occupants being armed with 2x Shotgun, 2x Boltpistol / Close combat Weapon, Powerfist, Bolter / Flamer. They won't do much by themselves. But they are capable of supporting the rest of my army wherever necessary, claiming objectives, adding some extra punch to an assault or lend some firepower were it's needed. Suits my style way better than a suicide Tankkiller or a suicide Hordehunter....
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Lemme see now. Whilst I cant do as good a job as GreatCrusaide08's scout tactica (I see he has commented here already so click on the link in his post), I have been using these for the last couple of games (5 last time I checked) and have been scratching my brain about their uses.


Here goes:


1) Suicide tank/hoard killer - as has been described put a Combi Melta, Power Weapon, Melta Bomb Sergeant with 4 CC or Shotgun scouts in a Storm with a Multi Melta or Heavy Flamer. If you get first turn scout move and jump on the tank or infantry unit, it will die then they will die. SIMPLE


2) Outflanking objective taker - Storm with Heavy Flamer, shotgun scouts with a Power Weapon and Bolt Pistol Sergeant. Put camo cloaks on them. This unit stays in reserve and outflanks to jump on an objective sometime in the game. The scouts + storm will either kill off the guarding unit and then hunker down in cover to keep the objective relatively secure OR they will hurt the enemy enough to make killing them off with something else easier.


3) Fast deploy for sniper scouts in Dawn of War. As you can only have a Max of 2 Troops and HQ on the table in DOW deployment you can use a Storms superior movement to get the scouts 14" + D6" into a good firing position for turn 2 shooting (12" move, 2" disembark, D6" run)


4) Deepstriking blocker - If you really dont want your enemy to be able to deploy their deepstriking units in a particular place then keep your Storms alive in turn 1 then move them to your area denial position and sneer. My Chaos opponent is fond of keeping his Chaos Icons in Rhinos and deep striking his Obliterators close in, I am going to enjoy making him scatter like the rest of us :)


5) Sniper High Hide - Increasing my sniper rifles field of fire and improving their ability to ignore small arms fire, you can deploy 5 snipers into a Storm and place it in a very good position to snipe at the Xenos and Heretics easier.


6) Combat buffer - Using your storm to combat the superior Leadership of say Eldar or Chaos is not a waste. Even if your scouts dont do much in the combat, jumping in and aiding your tougher Assault Marine bretheren in a multi assault may just provide the compat resolution to make sure those foul Xenos and Heretics break.


7) Hidden amoungst the clouds - You can provide some cover and survivability to your Storm by running it "with" a unit of normal Land Speeders. Improves it by the virtue of overloading local defences with similar units to kill as well as granting a 4+ cover save by being obscured.


Hope some of these options are of help to you. Havent tried all these tactics out yet. I am sure there are more.


Any LSS is not a one trick pony, if you dont get a first turn charge then there are still plenty of options available to you, even if you are armed "exclusively" for it.



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Any LSS is not a one trick pony, if you dont get a first turn charge then there are still plenty of options available to you, even if you are armed "exclusively" for it.

Well, it is if you're using it for tankhunting or flaming hordes. Because hit or miss it's not going to survive. That of course is not a matter of how it's equipped but of how it's used....

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The critical thing with a Storm will be making sure the rest of the army it is with poses enough problems that the Storm is not going to get alpha-struck. If it starts getting serious anti-tank weaponry aimed in its direction it is going down hard, so the key is to distract and tie up those weapons somehow.
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  • 4 weeks later...
The critical thing with a Storm will be making sure the rest of the army it is with poses enough problems that the Storm is not going to get alpha-struck. If it starts getting serious anti-tank weaponry aimed in its direction it is going down hard, so the key is to distract and tie up those weapons somehow.


In my case, it's going to be a Dreadnaught drop podded (with a locatar beacon, bringing in Termies) in, an infiltrating Tactical Sqaud (thanks to Sicarius counts-as), and a sqaudron of Land Speeders with MM/HF's moving 24" in on turn 1.


That, combined with the Scouts that are charging on turn one, should provide an adequate distraction while the rest of my army advances unmolested.


Although, no battle plan ever survives contact with the enemy. Although it helps when my plan is to simply mess up the other guy's plan :rolleyes:

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I use them... and theyre wonderful.


Throw a pair of powerweapons, a bace of plasma pistols, and a meltagun on the squad.... zoom up into cover, and then moveforward 12 over it, jump out, shoot, and assault with a bonus penalty to your enemies leadership... for 50pts? HECK YES! Though I admit, I like to give it the MM upgrade for popping transports.


Wonderful, beautiful, vehicle of death.

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There are many ways to use LSS, though the best way is to equip the scouts to do the same job as thier mothership :P


With MM for anti-tank, scouts have bolters/shotguns with combi-melta and meltabombs or fist depending in how much you wanna spend (id say meltabombs).. dont forget scouts can get first turn charges and MB's will auto hit stationary vehicles.


With HF for anti-personel, my personal favourite, always give the scouts combi-flamer and shotguns, its up to you if you want to give them a power weapon, a fist IMO is too much, they are only 5 models and want to be doing damage before they get hit back.


with HB combo, HB on LSS and HB and bolters on scouts, massed fire in a bunker that can zoom away if the enemy gets too close.


Or any combination of the above, LSS can have assault cannons too, but i have never considered speding those extra points,.


I use one MM LSS and one with HF, although i have problems with fitting scout units into my army as i use all 6 troops choices so i combat squad a ten man unit:

LSS with HF: 5 scouts with shotties sergeants with combi-flamer

LSS with MM: 5 scouts with bolters.



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I use them... and theyre wonderful.


Throw a pair of powerweapons, a bace of plasma pistols, and a meltagun on the squad.... zoom up into cover, and then moveforward 12 over it, jump out, shoot, and assault with a bonus penalty to your enemies leadership... for 50pts? HECK YES! Though I admit, I like to give it the MM upgrade for popping transports.


Wonderful, beautiful, vehicle of death.


Unfortunately not everyone has access to wolf scouts.


In my opinion a land speeder storm needs not to be equipped for a certain role, but equipped for every role that's been mentioned in the thread. To that end I'd say scout sergeant with combi-flamer and fist, 2 shotgun scouts, 2 ccw scouts. MM on the speeder optional.


That way you can suicide squads. You can punch tanks. You can back up your army. You can tie up heavy weapon squads. You can hide until last turn using the HB to take pot shots. You can lend your fist to a MC/dread/character that's bothering you. You can be a speed bump. You can flame weak squads. etc.


That to me seems like the perfect squad.

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Im actually quite thankful not everyone has access to Wolf Scouts... can you imagine the power that Eldar would wield with a couple units of the buggers?


*shudders and slowly limps out*

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I run a heavy flamer (to offset the LSS's poor BS) and a 5 man scout squad sporting a meltabomb/combi-flamer on the sgt. Against armor I have an easy first turn assault (granted, usually a suicide run but it can play havoc if your scouts can assault multiple vehicles before they have a chance to even move, thus making it a great combo for use against a KFF-battlewagon column) and otherwise I outflank with the combo for late game grabs and/or to keep my opponent off balance.
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aaarrrgghh mathhammer ;)


anyways a meltabomb is a single attack whereas a powerfist will normally have 3 attacks, both hit with S8, so the meltabomb can gaurantee a glance at least (especially if the vehicle hasnt moved) whereas i have been unlucky with a fist before now and rolled a couple of ones...


Mostly AV10 will fold like origami.



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Mathammer wise a fist will penetrate twice and a melta bomb will almost definitely penetrate once.


Neither of which are "melta" so therefore you are paying 20 points for 1 more roll on the damage table.


Mathematically speaking a penetrating hit with a fist will be 2.5 times as expensive as one produced by meltabombs.


Thats from a purely cold mathematics side. Personally speaking if you want to wreck a vehicle from this tactic just get the melta bombs, your other scouts carry krak grenades for free and you are really only taking the meltas for a desperation crack at AV14 or a "bad roll modifier" ;) If you are hoping to be a little more utilitatrian about it though a Power Fist is a good way of being able to counter a walker or put a few cheaky wounds on a MC.



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