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Brazen Claw

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Our gaming club recently had our 2nd painting competition and we had to paint a basic Imperial Guardsman (Lasgun, auxiliary equiment allowed but no special/heavy weapons or special formations - like vets for example). Whilst I appreciate that this forum is dedicated to "Power Armour", I hope people won't mind me showing my test model for the allies I intend to run with my Blood Angels - Death Korp of Krieg. As well as loving the models and wanting to paint one of these guys, I really like what they have to offer as a formation... and particularly with Planetstrike upon us I thought it was quite fitting. This entry was also a test piece for colour scheme/uniform etc and I'll glady take any feedback you have to offer.


EDIT: IG removed. They look very very nice. However this is a power armor only forum. For an IG fix please check out Boot Camp in the links area. -- Kurgan


I also thought I would throw in my entry for our 1st painting competition, which was a randonly selected chapter of the Astartes. I ended up with Brazen Claws, which I was quite happy about, and I was thinking of maybe adding a Tac Squad from a completely different Chapter just for variety. But then I figured, given our "curse" we tend to shy away from other Chapters now (though not completely), so I thought it would be more inkeeping with our role as humaity's custodians to include an IG regiment as allies instead, hence I chose Krieg. There is nothing to say that during some planetary rebellion for example, when we were one of the loyalists to respond to the calls for aid, that we would end up running along side, or even taking command of one of the IG forces who likewise were sent to the warzone.






Again, would gladly take feedback.

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The basing for both entries wasn't allowed under the comp rules, but I'll probably base them soon just to finish them off. I quite enjoyed painting the BC and thought about adding a contingent to my Blood Angels, but as mentioned I've picked another ally to add instead. I'll keep him as a one off for now (too many BA projects on the go!), but I'd like to complete a Tac Squad and Rhino for them at a later stage.
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That's a great looking football, but shouldn't he have it on his head?


As you can see from his pose, he is multi-tasking by shooting an Ork in the head, whilst laying off the helmet/ball (which is filled with grenades) to his sergeant who will then, like Gianfranco Zola, shoot and score by taking out a battlewagon :lol:


Thanks for all the positive feedback.

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Angelus, can you send me a link to your guardsman, I would like to him.


The Marine is really nice, very smooth.


Hi Cpt,


Sorry, didn't see your message from earlier. Just sent you a PM with the links - let me know if there are any problems.


VERY nice!

very impressed by the smooth blending. What technique did you use?

would like to know!



Likewise, didn't see your message earlier, sorry.


The blues were approximately 5 layers, starting with Regal to Ultramarines to Space Wolf Grey (with mixes inbetween), and with a small extreme Skull White to the finest edges. The reds were 4 layers from Scab - Red Gore - Blood Red, with a final highlight of Vomit Brown and Skull White. The model was basecoated white.


I was a bit lazy with some of the mould lines, which is a shame with hindsight, but I'm happy with him well enough despite this. Most of the "blending" was done with a good "wet" colour and saliva at regular intervals (licking the brush basically) to coax the small amounts of paint around, if not dabbing very minutely. Took a while and I'm still no expert as these photos don't actually show some of the "error" areas where my paint was too dry to start with. Thankfully they're not major.


Hope this helps.

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I'm not an expert painter so I don't know if there is a more straightforward/established answer, but I tend to use just very small amounts of paint on the brush and a fair bit of brush licking... other than that it just seems to work, sorry :wacko:



i was afraid you were going to say brush licking...almost every good painter I find seems to do that.... *looks at paint brushes* ah hell might aswell give it a try

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